Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Reading Is Key

       So Ive been reading this book called Triangles by Ellen Hopkins. Its about 3 women and the troubles they face in their lives. One has a disabled daughter, the other has a gay son, and the last is cheating on her husband. Its pretty good. But anyways, at the end of each section, she has a poem that talks about the main theme in that section. This was the one that I just came across. I liked it alot because this made me think about the friendship that I have with Bianca and Windel. I really cherish them alot and I know that we are going to be friends until death do us part #ppctilidie

much <3,

                                 A FRIEND

Is a wellspring
of understanding.
A catch basin for grimy
little secrets that can
scarcely be voiced.
                                                  A friend
holds the tissue
box when you splinter.
Accepts confession, and yet
demand details,
regardless of perceived
juiciness, too intimate to
confide. A friend is never too
to commiserate.
Never too busy to
pull up a chair. Never so
about an outcome
as to insist you’ve made
a mistake. A friend is never
so unclear about a definition
of friendship as to straddle its

-Ellen Hopkins

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