Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Serengeti of Men

Even though this blog is a way for us to maintain connections with each other, we (D, B and I) still talk to each other A LOT. After a semester of me telling her about my latest boy obsession B has decided that I should just make a nice list of them . So here goes; this is My Serengeti of Men.

Kai: First college crush. This kid is incredible. Even to this day I cant take my eyes off of him. He's a jerk; hell yeah!! I could write an entire thesis on why people like him make me sick, but none the less I still think he's attractive, a talented musician and a really cool dude.... even though that he's a complete douche.

Donald: Ehhhh.... not much to say about this one. He's a cool dude too. Had him for French, thought he was cool so we chilled together for the first and last time.

Greg: THIS ONE RIGHT HURRRR!!! Greg is the spitting image of Bob Marley. He has the same skin color, hair, and face. He looks so much like Bob that I actually refer to him as Bob. People actually think his name is Bob because I refuse to call him anything else besides that. Whenever I see Greg my heart literally skips a beat and I cant help but smile. I think this one is actually the one that may take my heart away. Usually the guys I talk about are cool and stuff but Greg... he's special. It's not often you meet someone like that.

Makeel: I just love this kid. From the second I saw his starter dreads to the ridiculous flame tatoo on his arm I knew my life would never be the same. Makeel is just the awesome friend I have always wanted to have. Everyone calls him Wiz because he looks like Wiz Khalifa but what most fail to recognize as that he also could be the off spring of Snoop Dogg.

Cinnamon: Ehhh... he isnt that serious. The only reason he made the list is because out of all the guys I have been telling my friends about he's the only who I had sexual interactions with but couldnt have cared less about. Deanna and Bianca probably never heard of him because I dont speak of him. I didnt write his name partly because I can never remember it and partly because who cares.

Hewhoshallnotbenamed: He's an assface. I know no one reads this blog besides Deanna and Bianca but I have a problem typing this kids name. He isnt part of my serengeti because I liked him, he's part of it because he upset me the only way a guy could. I'll refer to him as Q. Anyone who talks to me at school will know automatically who this kid is... it's too easy.

Seve: (Pronounce se-vee) My latest obsession. I saw him on my first day back from break. As of now, this kid is nothing but a crush. But if some how I got to know him, I know it would be loved. He's too beautiful and too amazing for anyone not to fall head of heels for him. He looks like a beautiful hispanic boy with caramel colored eyes, dark features and low cut hair. He plays for the tennis team and from what his friends say he's good. He is covered with tattoos, but my favorite is the giant Lion on his right arm. His friends keep telling me that he's been here the whole time but I hadnt seen him once until the Spring semester started. Was I that blinded by idiots?

Well that's them. The men who drove me wild during fall break. Now that it's a new year. I hope what happened last semester doesnt happen again. I just want to be calm and spend all my time being normal and cooling it.

hash tag can i get some basic bitch problems?
hash tag i dont even like people.

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