Tuesday, January 1, 2013

We Survived Y'all

Wow. January 1st, 2013. I cant believe how fast 2012 flew by. A lot happened to me in 2012 good and bad. I graduated high school, went to college and made some new friends that I know I'll have forever, lost a dear friend and dog, got to live in a new city, and I made memories that I'll cherish for life. One thing that 2012 taught me is that I need to learn to do things for myself and not others. I have to make choices that'll benefit me in the long run. And that is what 2013 is going to be about for me. Doing what is going to make me happy and help me be successful. I could definitely say 2012 was one of the best years of my life so far, lets see what 2013 has in store for me. I have the feeling that it'll be even better.

<3 always,


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