Thursday, January 10, 2013

Two Haitians + A Treadmill

As you can see a new tab has popped up next to everyones individual profiles titles, Two Haitians + A Treadmill. A new year and a new semester rings in a new way of thinking for Bianca and I. So we've decided to tighten our belts and take better care of our bodies. No longer will I consider cake as grains and Bianca will stop hoarding ice cream in her freezer.
This blog will be our way of supporting each other since we are taking different routes from different locations. In the short term we want to lose weight but long term we both want to be healthy hoes hunting hunks. (Dont quote me on that. Sometimes the ghetto Seuss has to come out.)
So stay tuned while we get toned.

hash tag green juice is yummy
hash tag carrot juice makes me want to vomit

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