Sunday, January 20, 2013

Seize Your LIFE

I want an adventure !  I want an adventure outside of my normal routine, I feel like I left the nest to hop right into a mundane lifestyle.  I don't even want to blame it on me being alone in Orlando, having no friends and virtually never going out with anyone.  I think I've mentioned wanting an adventure before, but I think I'm actually going to get into doing something about it instead of always talking about it.  My goal for my life within the next few years is to keep things simple and cheap and travel whenever possible.  I'm glad that I've gotten over being by myself so often because I see myself traveling around the world solo anyways.  I'd just feel bad for having such a great time without Hercules since he sticks around all of the time at home when I don't go out (sort of an obligation anyways).  Life demands an open mind, but within the last 20 minutes of  writing this I've realized that adventure isn't a travel, but it's a dinner with friends, a game night with cousins, a day by the water with my pooch and a novel and magazines, or a thrifting day with my best friend.  I don't have nearly as many adventures as I'd like and I'm thinking that it's kind of time to shake things up.  STARTING NOW?  Funny enough, I think to be more spontaneous, I need to be even more organized.  I've been working on it, but I'm not 100% committed to it which is making me busier than I should be.  It's kind of a late start, but I've seen that since last week, I have never been busier and I'd like to slow down just a bit to catch my breath.  I'm sort of ashamed now, I really should've seized more of days this past weekend and now that I haven't, I feel like I'm wasting away and we all know how short life tends to be (shorter for some than others unfortunately).  So, my pledge to myself is to live for those who didn't get the chance to live at all.  What's your pledge?

                                              - Miss Not So Young Anymore

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