Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Git Out Yo Seat !

I'm extremely interested in volunteering, even if I have a super busy schedule.  I'm stuck between the organization of Big Brothers Big Sisters and Special Olympics. I may try to do both, but that doesn't sound reasonable with my schedule.  I'd be running around 24/7 and not be able to truly focus on one thing since I already work and go to school.  It's really a difficult decision, but I've come to decide that I will sign up to be a Big Sister (:  I'm sooooo excited ! I'm going to apply by tonight, but I have a laundry list of craperoni to do so we'll see, but definitely by the end of the week it'll be done.  It takes a while to actually become a Big Brother or Sister because you first apply, then they contact references that you've listed, then they contact you to come in for a one on one interview, lastly they go through a background check on you.  I really hope this works out for me because it seems like it'd be fun and a new experience, but if not, there's always the Special Olympics of  Florida.  If anyone else reads this blog besides my sisters, then I urge you to go out and volunteer !  These kids are so cute and special and would appreciate support from someone who cares. 

                  Much love,
                             Honey Kiss

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