Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Reading Is Key

       So Ive been reading this book called Triangles by Ellen Hopkins. Its about 3 women and the troubles they face in their lives. One has a disabled daughter, the other has a gay son, and the last is cheating on her husband. Its pretty good. But anyways, at the end of each section, she has a poem that talks about the main theme in that section. This was the one that I just came across. I liked it alot because this made me think about the friendship that I have with Bianca and Windel. I really cherish them alot and I know that we are going to be friends until death do us part #ppctilidie

much <3,

                                 A FRIEND

Is a wellspring
of understanding.
A catch basin for grimy
little secrets that can
scarcely be voiced.
                                                  A friend
holds the tissue
box when you splinter.
Accepts confession, and yet
demand details,
regardless of perceived
juiciness, too intimate to
confide. A friend is never too
to commiserate.
Never too busy to
pull up a chair. Never so
about an outcome
as to insist you’ve made
a mistake. A friend is never
so unclear about a definition
of friendship as to straddle its

-Ellen Hopkins


I have to keep this simple and sweet because I have an Ethnobotany quiz tomorrow morning and I'm already tired and haven't studied a LICK.  My point?  A nigga's hair follicles been pushin daisies for 7 months now !  I feel like these months are playing games and flying by for fun.  I can't believe it's been 7 months, I remember going to the pub like it was yesterday and being so totes bored out of my mind not having anything to do this past summer.  (short and sweet booboo)  I have my magic weave in my hair still so neither of us know how fab my fro looks now, but I suppose we'll see  soon.  1 year peep show coming soon :* #teamnatural  #teamwatchutwerkinwit

   work, work, work, work, BOUNCE
                           - Honey Flapjacks xo

Monday, January 21, 2013


So I kind of feel like a chem wiz even though I did this blindly and out of sheer desperation, but I digress... I have created the perfect potion to tame the desert that is my scalp in this weave!  Amazing, right?  Extensions absorb all of the moisture in your actual hair, making it a necessity to constantly moisturize properly and on top of that!  my scalp is soooo horribly cursed with seborrheic dermatitis, not dandruff.  I've literally made life easier for myself once again, I am genius of the night, THANK YOU.  Although I've only been using my mixture for like 2-3 days, I see a dramatic difference and that tells me everything I've been searching for has been found.  I mixed extra virgin olive oil because it's in my kitchen and coconut oil because I bought it sooo long ago and there goes the only 2 real oils that I own.  I added up some water to dilute to mix a bit and TADOWWWWWWWW, my milky cocopuff mix.  I did my research and apparently there's some real science behind what I've done so bless my curious fingers and desperation for a moistened scizzzalp.  Here's the link to the site I read the science info on and yea.  That was it, I really just wanted to share my huge eureka moment with you all, whoever you all is anyways.
                  xxxx Honey Tea

my b, here's the link

Congrats To Me!!

I finally got a job (work-study) and I decided that since I would now have a stable income that I should treat myself by going shopping. You know what that means... THRIFT STORES!!!
Over the last two days I have been at a thrift store. Here are my delicious findings.

City Thrift. Shorts: $2.98 Sweater: $3.98
Goodwill. Shorts: $2.24 Shirt: $3.14
Goodwill. Shorts: $1.12 Shirt: $1.66

I got a lot of amazing discounts at Goodwill. The last photo was so cheap because it was half off and on top of that I got a discount for being a college student. Sweet.
hash tag love shorts
hash tag hate shaving
hash tag thrifting makes me so happy
Since my birthday is on Saturday I also consider this as a birthday gift to myself. Mama knows what Mama likes. 

First Time

First time wearing synthetic hair and I absolutely love it yet hate it. The burnt tips stick together thus causing the bottom portion of my hair to be frizzy and messy; the burnt tips are continually unraveling and I am not that good at burning them back to perfection AND my natural is sticking out like ridiculous. I love having this hair style but I hate using this hair. This being ranted I will be wearing weave more often but now I know what to expect and hopefully one day I will be able to overcome it.

hash tag cute for a bit
hash tag rastafar I

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Seize Your LIFE

I want an adventure !  I want an adventure outside of my normal routine, I feel like I left the nest to hop right into a mundane lifestyle.  I don't even want to blame it on me being alone in Orlando, having no friends and virtually never going out with anyone.  I think I've mentioned wanting an adventure before, but I think I'm actually going to get into doing something about it instead of always talking about it.  My goal for my life within the next few years is to keep things simple and cheap and travel whenever possible.  I'm glad that I've gotten over being by myself so often because I see myself traveling around the world solo anyways.  I'd just feel bad for having such a great time without Hercules since he sticks around all of the time at home when I don't go out (sort of an obligation anyways).  Life demands an open mind, but within the last 20 minutes of  writing this I've realized that adventure isn't a travel, but it's a dinner with friends, a game night with cousins, a day by the water with my pooch and a novel and magazines, or a thrifting day with my best friend.  I don't have nearly as many adventures as I'd like and I'm thinking that it's kind of time to shake things up.  STARTING NOW?  Funny enough, I think to be more spontaneous, I need to be even more organized.  I've been working on it, but I'm not 100% committed to it which is making me busier than I should be.  It's kind of a late start, but I've seen that since last week, I have never been busier and I'd like to slow down just a bit to catch my breath.  I'm sort of ashamed now, I really should've seized more of days this past weekend and now that I haven't, I feel like I'm wasting away and we all know how short life tends to be (shorter for some than others unfortunately).  So, my pledge to myself is to live for those who didn't get the chance to live at all.  What's your pledge?

                                              - Miss Not So Young Anymore

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Serengeti of Men

Even though this blog is a way for us to maintain connections with each other, we (D, B and I) still talk to each other A LOT. After a semester of me telling her about my latest boy obsession B has decided that I should just make a nice list of them . So here goes; this is My Serengeti of Men.

Kai: First college crush. This kid is incredible. Even to this day I cant take my eyes off of him. He's a jerk; hell yeah!! I could write an entire thesis on why people like him make me sick, but none the less I still think he's attractive, a talented musician and a really cool dude.... even though that he's a complete douche.

Donald: Ehhhh.... not much to say about this one. He's a cool dude too. Had him for French, thought he was cool so we chilled together for the first and last time.

Greg: THIS ONE RIGHT HURRRR!!! Greg is the spitting image of Bob Marley. He has the same skin color, hair, and face. He looks so much like Bob that I actually refer to him as Bob. People actually think his name is Bob because I refuse to call him anything else besides that. Whenever I see Greg my heart literally skips a beat and I cant help but smile. I think this one is actually the one that may take my heart away. Usually the guys I talk about are cool and stuff but Greg... he's special. It's not often you meet someone like that.

Makeel: I just love this kid. From the second I saw his starter dreads to the ridiculous flame tatoo on his arm I knew my life would never be the same. Makeel is just the awesome friend I have always wanted to have. Everyone calls him Wiz because he looks like Wiz Khalifa but what most fail to recognize as that he also could be the off spring of Snoop Dogg.

Cinnamon: Ehhh... he isnt that serious. The only reason he made the list is because out of all the guys I have been telling my friends about he's the only who I had sexual interactions with but couldnt have cared less about. Deanna and Bianca probably never heard of him because I dont speak of him. I didnt write his name partly because I can never remember it and partly because who cares.

Hewhoshallnotbenamed: He's an assface. I know no one reads this blog besides Deanna and Bianca but I have a problem typing this kids name. He isnt part of my serengeti because I liked him, he's part of it because he upset me the only way a guy could. I'll refer to him as Q. Anyone who talks to me at school will know automatically who this kid is... it's too easy.

Seve: (Pronounce se-vee) My latest obsession. I saw him on my first day back from break. As of now, this kid is nothing but a crush. But if some how I got to know him, I know it would be loved. He's too beautiful and too amazing for anyone not to fall head of heels for him. He looks like a beautiful hispanic boy with caramel colored eyes, dark features and low cut hair. He plays for the tennis team and from what his friends say he's good. He is covered with tattoos, but my favorite is the giant Lion on his right arm. His friends keep telling me that he's been here the whole time but I hadnt seen him once until the Spring semester started. Was I that blinded by idiots?

Well that's them. The men who drove me wild during fall break. Now that it's a new year. I hope what happened last semester doesnt happen again. I just want to be calm and spend all my time being normal and cooling it.

hash tag can i get some basic bitch problems?
hash tag i dont even like people.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Loco Coco

I have recently gotten my hair marley twisted and I love it !  It's longer this time and fab (:  I get to go through the tribulations of ridiculously long hair.  My point for writing this post is that my hair and scalp are beautiful when I'm all afro out,'s a scarier situation :(  The Shea Moisture moisturizer is a great moisturizer for my hair and scalp, but it's difficult to apply when my hair is twisted up.  I considered buying a spray bottle and putting my moisturizer in it and adding a lot of water, but didn't want to waste the product if something didn't turn out right.  SO !  I went researching and read about a widely liked liquid moisturizer for different hair types.  Even though it may not work for my hair, I liked the ingredients and what different people with different hair said about it.  The brand is called "As I am" and I found it in Sally's.  I bought "As I am" Coco Shea Spray and I also bought Coconut CoWash cleansing conditioner from the same brand.  I didn't need the conditioner that badly, but it was on sale from like $18 to $5.99 .... that's a DEAL !lol.  Plus, I only have one conditioner left and I like having at least 2 so when I run out I always have another right then and there.  I'll make a video and post it later talking about the 2 products, like a review, letting everyone know if it worked well, what it did, and if it's worth the mula.

That's all !  Later & TGIF <3 (honestly, it's been a long week)
                                       -Honey Bunssss

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Two Haitians + A Treadmill

As you can see a new tab has popped up next to everyones individual profiles titles, Two Haitians + A Treadmill. A new year and a new semester rings in a new way of thinking for Bianca and I. So we've decided to tighten our belts and take better care of our bodies. No longer will I consider cake as grains and Bianca will stop hoarding ice cream in her freezer.
This blog will be our way of supporting each other since we are taking different routes from different locations. In the short term we want to lose weight but long term we both want to be healthy hoes hunting hunks. (Dont quote me on that. Sometimes the ghetto Seuss has to come out.)
So stay tuned while we get toned.

hash tag green juice is yummy
hash tag carrot juice makes me want to vomit

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Git Out Yo Seat !

I'm extremely interested in volunteering, even if I have a super busy schedule.  I'm stuck between the organization of Big Brothers Big Sisters and Special Olympics. I may try to do both, but that doesn't sound reasonable with my schedule.  I'd be running around 24/7 and not be able to truly focus on one thing since I already work and go to school.  It's really a difficult decision, but I've come to decide that I will sign up to be a Big Sister (:  I'm sooooo excited ! I'm going to apply by tonight, but I have a laundry list of craperoni to do so we'll see, but definitely by the end of the week it'll be done.  It takes a while to actually become a Big Brother or Sister because you first apply, then they contact references that you've listed, then they contact you to come in for a one on one interview, lastly they go through a background check on you.  I really hope this works out for me because it seems like it'd be fun and a new experience, but if not, there's always the Special Olympics of  Florida.  If anyone else reads this blog besides my sisters, then I urge you to go out and volunteer !  These kids are so cute and special and would appreciate support from someone who cares. 

                  Much love,
                             Honey Kiss

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Saturday Out

Break is almost over and everyone is heading back to school. Deanna and Bianca went to a party last night and danced the night away. So Bianca and I took the calmer route today and went thrifting at Goodwill and a local flea/ farmer market that I introduced her to this afternoon. It was fun of course. Here's a little photo story of what happened.

We went to Goodwill to grab some clothes (and in my case a book) that needed loving homes.
Then we crossed the street to look around and grab lunch. That's where the churros and shaved ice come in. Bianca had blue raspberry shaved ice (a childish flavor) and I had half strawberry and half guava shaved ice (classy, I know). While in the farmers market B got herself a green jade like bracelet and a rasta themed anklet for me. But before leaving the farmers market Bianca spotted these amazing heels and forced me to put them on. PROPS TO STRIPPERS. Those things almost destroyed my ankle and every fiber in my leg. They are so high. I have this weird feeling that they used to belong to the old white lady who was selling them... Can we clap them thighs in remembrance of her amazing career? And lastly we finished our day off by watching children terrorize each other with sand at a park near my house.
That was our Saturday out.
Next time I see this trick will probably be for my birthday *fingers crossed*.

hash tag Goodwill is awesome
hash tag Bianca gots dat azz

New Years Eve

New Years Eve at Bayside

That evening was weird. First I (Windel) had to do Mission Impossible meets Transporter kind of stuff to get out of my house in the first place. Then Bianca and I had towalk to, around and from what felt like Canada in heels. There was this drunk guy who I fell in love with running around Bayside stepping on babies and having a REALLY good New Years. I feel like anytime two or three of us get together the world falls apart around us. It's hilarious.

hash tag ppc runs this
hash tag we looked too good for Bayside

Oh and I almost forgot, on the train these tweens dressed head to toe in what I would assume is Love Culture decided to rehearse their King of Diamonds routines in front of our guy friends. I personally wouldn't make it rain anything but fire on them...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

We Survived Y'all

Wow. January 1st, 2013. I cant believe how fast 2012 flew by. A lot happened to me in 2012 good and bad. I graduated high school, went to college and made some new friends that I know I'll have forever, lost a dear friend and dog, got to live in a new city, and I made memories that I'll cherish for life. One thing that 2012 taught me is that I need to learn to do things for myself and not others. I have to make choices that'll benefit me in the long run. And that is what 2013 is going to be about for me. Doing what is going to make me happy and help me be successful. I could definitely say 2012 was one of the best years of my life so far, lets see what 2013 has in store for me. I have the feeling that it'll be even better.

<3 always,



I was feeling absolutely horrible this morning. Like couldn't walk, groaning & moaning and nauseous, but thanks to the magic of pain relievers I feel much better and am inspired to post.

I don't think I ever made a new year resolution but I feel like I've reached that point of my life where everything I do will effect my life drastically. I'm in college, I have two amazing besties who mean the galaxy to me and slowly but surely I'm getting older and leaving the nest with ever breathe I take. This year will be the year where I literally become my own person. I want to cut myself off from my parents, from their money & their rules. After the fiasco that was the prison break of 2012 I realized that I don't want to have to lie and sneak around anymore. I trust myself to take care of myself, but saying it isn't enough I need to prove it to myself. Even though my heart has enough room for my country, my cats and Deebayy & Honeybee, I still love my parents (duh!); but the relationship we have (the relationship I have with anyone whose known me since I was born) isn't what I want. I want to move out of this life so that my parents will be able to move into my new life with my blessing.I hate fighting with my mom about basic bitch shit and I hate calling my dad only when my bank account is low. I want to pick up the phone that I pay for and invite my dad to come watch a soccer game with me or tell my mom that I've missed her so lets go shopping and have lunch so that they can see that they don't have to worry; I'm a good seed.

SO!! I guess my new years resolution to actually become Wideleine Desir. My own person. Begin my future one step at a time, one step closer to my career and to becoming a wife and a mom.

And whenever I get off track I know I can always come back to this post and remind myself what I set out to do in 2013.

hashtag happy new year
hashtag  miss independent