Sunday, November 3, 2013

PART 2: Day 83

So today we drove about 7 hours to northern France, above Paris if that gives you any location relativity.  The type of house we're in is called a gîte, it's nice and big and pretty. We got here in the afternoon so we relaxed a bit, went to town to walk a little and went back home to eat dinner.  I have my own room again so I'm excited, I like privacy and being able to do main my own space, that's probably really american of me but I can't help it, I've never shared a room and i like things that belong to me.  The kids have become worse if that's possible and I only feel worse for their parents, nothing is pleasant for them... I feel like they literally yell at them and are annoyed every 10 mns if not, more.
They must think the worst of me though because my Belgian mom was talking about how tomorrow we sleep until we aren't tired anymore because she drove all day and is tired and she said maybe until 8 am and her son was like omg mom that's pushing it, why so late!? But then she replied that she's never slept til 8 am so it probably won't happen. Uhhhh, in Bianca's world, 8 am will never catch me riding round and gettin it ... wow, hell no. I love sleeping in, oh yes noon is my bestie. My issue is that I have an issue with being anywhere near early, sometimes when I wake up early i make myself sleep again until its late. Anyways, welcome to Burgogne, France my friends.

Xo hunhun

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