Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 73- This is ME (no Camp Rock pun intended)

have been empowered with confidence today girls and girls. I know I'm at the age where I "discover" myself and get to know who it is exactly that I am and it's actually happening. So far, I can say that my name is Bianca and I am an amazing friend, a good hearted person, and I love to write. That feels good to say because I am 100% of that statement. It is who I am and ... It's who I am. "This is who I am" feels good to say, if I were ever in an interview before, I would make up good things about myself to sound better. Not to say that they weren't 100% true but I couldn't give you the same answer every time, but I know can ... like a script because I know these things about myself since they are, after all, true. #ayeeeeeee

Feels good,
    Miss Honey Bee

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