Monday, November 18, 2013

Alicia the Goddess

Wow guys, I had the best experience at my first Alicia Keys concert.  Not only is she a phenomenal performer, but she also has one hell of a voice!  I relived part of my lyrical childhood as she sung some classics that made me really happy. I not only had fun, but I had an awesome front pit view and was with my blissfully unaware mother.  No, she didn't really know any songs, but I can tell she enjoyed her music and my god, her beautiful face/body. What made the night even more memorable was that my cousin is one of her dancers so he got my mom and I the tickets and I got to wah him do what he loves. So cool! I'm not really close to him since he's like 6 years older than me and he and my brother really hung out but I decided new day, new leaf. You can't let the past decide every aspect of today, especially when today you are a different version of you compared to the past.  After the show we met up with my cousin in the backstage area and chatted it up and he introduced us to everyone that wasn't in their dressing room!  He works with such nice people, I felt like I was family which is always an awesome feeling to experience from a stranger.  We walked to a nearby hotel as a huge group to get some drinks and talked some more until everyone realized they were late and scurried their artistic asses back to the set.  Unfortunately, they had to catch a 2 am flight to Tokyo and it was 12:30 am, but it was fun and I'm happy we got to talk and hang out even though we basically never do.  

Moral of the story, reconnect with people you never had an issue with and go see Alicia Keys live.

The End


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