Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 93- the END

It's my last day in Belgium, it feels so weird.  I think that's why I'm not as excited as I know I want to be, I don't even feel like I'm leaving in a few hours.  I feel like tomorrow's another Belgian day of life in the hell house, but it really isn't.  It was an interesting experience because it was not what I expected at all and although certain things didn't live up to my expectations, they weren't all horrible.  You really do have to try living in another country for a bit, you understand people better you know ... if that's your thing anyways.  I've met so many people and even if I didn't like them all, I have learned something from them and am grateful for the experience.  In conclusion, Belgium is not exactly my cup of tea per say, but it's cool for a few months. As I ironically write this post in bed, I'm listening to the song I am currently obsessing over and have declared my 2013 summer song, "hold on, we're going home" and I'm going home too.  If you're wondering, my faith hasn't restored in drake, but I do feel better about him because you never want to truly give up on the ones you love.  I think that also leads me to say that I think I'm ok with the comunicationless ending to my friendship with Dante, 3 months later I've let it go and it does not hurt like it did on day 1 of my Belgian trip.  Will I still try?  I think so, I'm a woman of my word and I won't my Orlando chapter with trickery since I'm not a bitch because bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.  What will I say?  I feel like Meg from Hercules right now.  Maybe I'll just keep it honest .... like .... what did i do to hurt you so much that you would want to hurt me? Idk, it works for now.  I have to sleep, it's 12:25 am and I have to wake up at 4:50 am :( my mom is actually a horrible flight booker, all of my flights have been early as shit. I take off at 8:30 am and land in Dubai at 8:30 pm. Wish me luck ! 

Future desert beauty,
    Honey bee

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