Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Flaws and All

I want to talk about this huge discovery I made tonight, but I'd be lying if I said I actually felt like writing it all out. It's 4:44 a.m. and it just isn't the time to stupidly write out my every thought.  I really just wanted to say this, if there's something that isn't right in your behavior, personality, etc. and are able to accept that it's a fixable flaw, FIX IT!  There are "flaws" and then there are "bitch fix that shit"'s and I have recently accepted that I have a 'bitch fix that shit' and I would love to do nothing more than to attack it from the source because although I do believe that all human beings will die flaw as fuck, better yourself as much as you can.  I'm pretty sure that after I nip this shit in the bud, I'll feel so much different and positive things will come from it, I'm sure.  In my situation, like many others, you have to be able to recognize your psychotic ways because nothing is crazier than making up problems that aren't there, bitch you good.  

According to several articles I did stumble upon, it was mentioned that many issues human beings have derive from the subconscious and the root is something from your childhood because WHAT ISN'T!?  When in doubt, blame your parents because they fucked you up (probably unintentionally of course).  It makes you think about your future children and what they should be exposed to and how much of it and the examples you want to set for them.  I'm not going to lie, I want my child to be perfect, as in an unfucked up subconscious, but I don't know if my husband and I will be together forever and show our kiddies how to treat people and loved ones, I don't even know if my pompous ass will get married.  I do know this, children are not only precious little kidney beans, but they're some of the most important things in the world; LITERALLY.  A child isn't a toy, accessory, tax write off, or a marriage package and I wish people understood that before they created life.  I know 6 girls that either just had a child or are pregnant and I'm not saying I'm Miss Talula or nothin, but the mystic bones are rattling booboo and those innocent babies are in for a hellish ride. Not good at endings, but you were warned.


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