Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 70-the retired life

You knowwww, it's my 4th day in France and I still like it. I think one thing I can get used to is the food, omg I really want to get used to this! Why is the food so good all of the time though !? Like wow, I get that my Belgian mom was busy/lazy stuck in her slave life, but wow we eat different things for every meal and is all good, not once has one of our meals have been bread and deli meats. As I am writing this, my belly is currently full of this vegetable I don't know the name of, cous cous, beef, cantaloupe, and a milk lemon pie ? That sounds weird but that's the French name. Now the American in me is kicking in and I feel greedy for more of that tart/pie, wow it was crunchy and lemony... everything I look for in a lemon pie. Anyways, as my routine follows, I'm watching the news with the grandies and then we'll watch some movie and then I'll spend my night not sleeping resulting in me watching the only three things I can watch in bed ... Teen wolf, ep. 306, Camp, ep.1, and Please Like Me, ep.1 ..... and I'll watch the  again, a second time for the night. I also won't sleep the rest of the night .. Only in small bits of 45mns after I wake up every hour. Welcome to life in the south of France ... Until Thursday.

Xo honey

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