Monday, July 2, 2012


I survived! Last week was my first week as a born again freshman. I actually enjoyed it. Besides almost having a stroke everyday because of this 97 + degree weather, all of these hills, and the three days of rain at the beginning of the week. I definitely have to invest in some rainboots and a poncho! I thought miami had bipolar weather, apparently not. The people are really nice here, that's a plus. And don't get me started on the guys, they are so fine! Hahaha and the white boys here in the clubs here really love black girls, it's like we're so exotic! They come up behind my friends and I and just start dancing. I'm just like ayyyyy! Cause we all know how I feel about my white boys lol. But it really is nice up here when it isnt raining or extremly hot. I've also met alot of nice people. A friend of mine told me that friends in college really are a dime a dozen here. Something can happen with your old friend, but it'll be okay since you have a bunch more. Don't you agree? Food for thought.

Love always,


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