Friday, July 20, 2012

Never even called it home.

After spending about a month away from my parents I have moved back in for about three weeks. Three extremely long weeks. I thought moving back in wouldn't be that bad, except I forgot that I can't stand my family and all my friends are still away at college. I have spent the last five days laying on my bed and browsing the Internet looking for a way out of the house.
But the worst part about being home is that I don't know how to act around my family anymore. The clothes that I would usually wear while lounging around or going out are a complete no no now. I'm afraid to even wear my ear cuff because I'm trying to get in and out of this hell mouth as easily as possible.
Now that I'm back I regret ever telling my parents when classes ended.
I was alone back in Daytona but here it's worst; I'm living in a hornets nest.

Hashtag I miss being alone.
Hashtag this is where drugs and alcohol comes in.
Hashtag listening to country music.
Hashtag sad...

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