Tuesday, July 3, 2012

So today marked the second day of my college experience. I'm officially on my own with schooling. No more having my mom stay up late with me to finish those projects that I procrastinated on; No more having her help me brainstorm ideas for research papers. I had 2 of my 3 classes today, and they actually weren't that bad. They were shorter than high school classes for sure! Even though it was only 45 min shorter, it felt like a whole hour. My history teacher has to be the most intimidating teacher I've ever encountered in my life. I was scared she'd see me falling asleep and use her spider arms to shake me awake! Thank God I dropped that class and changed to sociology. My teacher is this little old British guy, he actually sounds like the guy that was Batman’s butler in the dark knight lol. Don’t get me started on my math teacher, he's so old and the class is super easy. I still don’t know how I got stuck in this intermediate math class. I'm not a good test taker. Yep that's what it is. Besides all of that negativity, I'm finished with my classes early (12:15 MWF & 1:45 TR) thank god! If I had these super late classes like everyone else, I think I’d die. Well here’s my schedule, let’s see how long I can deal with it before I go crazy.

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