Thursday, June 28, 2012


S.E.B. .... three words that sum up a portion of my life at its current stage.  There's one thing that's pretty mutual among everyone around my age ... a crappy budget due to unwanted financial obligations. This brings me to what S.E.B. is an acronym for, it's real, it's unfortunate, but it's the truth.  S.E.B. stands for Sad Educational Budget, no ladies and gentlemen it's the nightmare that grew so much to the point that it haunts me -.-  I am now forced to live on a S.E.B. due to my recent scholastic endeavors at Valencia College and my growing affinity for fashion and all things surrounding.  Something's gotta give!  I don't enjoy budgets, but they do keep people grounded, responsible (fiscally and beyond), and not as stressed.  Life constantly throws new challenges at your feet for you to trip over and be caught off guard, but I think it's our duty to remember that and stay prepared with things like "EMERGENCY MONEY" and a "PHONE CHARGER" or a "BACKUP OUTFIT" because you may get asked out on a date at the last minute or even a "HYGIENE KIT" to satisfy all of your hygienic needs when you aren't home (:  SO what have we learned in 5 minutes?  1. There's no such thing as "easy" money because if it was easy, everyone would do it and then it'd become hard and then .... yeea, no more easy.  2. Students have crappy budgets because someone decided that a budget should go from great (or a satisfying cash flow, pretty decent, ok, moderate, surviving, barely there) to crappy because adulthood should start with some sort of financial challenge and 3. Everyone should have to go through some sort of S.E.B. whether it's your education or whoever you decide to fund in your future.  Have a lovely day/night !

الحب الكبير,
        honey bee

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