Sunday, July 29, 2012

I Got that ILLNANA (;

What if everyone was blind to beauty? Too much to handle? That's what I guessed. I wanna know what life would be like if we couldn't recognize a person's physical beauty. Guys who are handsome wouldn't be obsessed with their every reflection as for girls which almost makes the "game" of courting leveled on a fair playing field (unless you have money to blow). Wealth will never get old, so I know we can never live perfectly, but vanity is such a huge contribution to a twisted society and it's absence could change the world ... or just make life bearable for preteens, teens, young adults, and even grown ass adults. That's an obvious life changer for me because all I've ever wanted was a guy to approach me because I look INTERESTING and he wants to know who that girl is, not "oh man she's bad! I gotta get that!" because I'm pretty... sometimes I damn my beauty... and then I don't because I see me and then other people and like my face better (not being rude, just honest). It matters to me because I'm the type of girl who puts intelligence, inner radiance, and maturity over looks. Don't get me wrong though! I was raised in a brainwashed society so no matter how wrong I think romantic movies are because they falsely advertise love and how easy it is to find it in such a big ass world, some of me still feels some joy for the hopes of finding "easy love". I suppose if it's too easy or too cheap ... it's a NO-NO. And to end this lovely piece, I say FUCK THE MAN.

الحب الكبير,
honey bee

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