Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day numba sebennn

After being here one full week, sleeping is easier but then it's not. Lol . I'm only writing about today because it was the warmest it's ever been since I arrived. I ate lunch outside and was reading until curious students invited me to their inner circle on the grass and we spoke a bit. Belgians love them some English ! Probably the way my vaginal cavity melts when I hear Drake's voice is how hysterical they are over me speaking English, it's really a sight to see. We also compared countries and of course they asked me great questions. First facts about Belgium I didn't know... The legal drinking age is 16 for beer (if I remembered correctly) and to smoke I think is also 16. Weed is also pretty legal, but only in a small amount. You can have it and smoke it and enjoy yourself without feeling like you're hiding from the Gestapo, but you can't sell it. Crazy right !? At least for a young woman like myself from Miami where everyone at every party smokes and drinks and loves the thrill of the underage illegalness of being 19. They asked me if I liked Obama, if I own a gun, if I'm scared to go to school because so many people are killing people in schools, and about drinking and smoking. The age of 21 is pretty much huge in America, to think if we were like Belgium in that respect... So anyways, the girl who invited me insisted on us sitting together for every lunch and class and we sat together in the following class. She wrote me notes in English and spoke in English and was actually really well spoken, but she also told me that she was happy to have spoken to me because people were talking badly about me and she didn't like it so she wanted to go to know me better than the others. It's funny how high school never changes .... It's funny how i still hate it for one of the same reasons, children are annoying and foolish enough for me to kick in the face every single day. 

After all of that I'm gonna stop my post but à demain sweethearts !

      Lead Pussy Cat (Nicole scherzinger

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