Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 5- Fun.

Today was pretty great. It's my first Saturday here and I can't say that I wasn't waiting for the weekend. I woke up later than I usually do which was nice, I had a yummy Belgian lunch, I went to a mall, but the best part about it was getting there since we drove through the countryside. I took some nice pictures while driving, we went to a modern farm and picked up some Belgian strawberries (yummers), and then had a good dinner and ate strawberries for dessert. I'm contemplating working out after this ... I really should too. I spent too much on cute work out gear to let them sit in the bottom of my suitcase :( otherwise, it's still cold over here in Belgium, but I still like being here. Maybe I'm just getting over it because it's actually not a big deal even though I'd wake up and wanna flip13 tables when it was 60 degrees in Florida.  I remember telling everyone how Orlando was great, but I could no longer stay because I just didn't feel like I was supposed to be there anymore...I was absolutely right. The feeling of being here and starting this new traveler's life is what I kept hearing in my head, but couldn't explain. When you know, you know and people are going to tell you otherwise or not even understand, but it's not for the world to understand you.... I think that callings are for you to pursue and fall in passionate love with and let others see, but I don't think it's ever for an outside understanding. Some just can't see the way your eyes do and when that's accepted, you'll feel so much more support through acceptance. Me? I'm not worried about any of it just because I know how strongly I feel about this all. My mother supports me, as do my 2 sisters so I feel pretty much invincible.         Much of Belgium is powering down now and I will try to too.

Love thy sistahs and thy muva, 
     xo  Honeylucuois

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