Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 1- Took EM out to Belgium, Welcomeeeee

Wow, I hate high school. I had the opportunity to go back to not only high school, but also middle school with Belgian kids. It's different, but it seems like kids are kids. There are obvious differences, but I sat in this one middle school class and felt like I was going back as I observed the kids and could match them up with someone i knew once a pon a time. In this one class the kids had the opportunity to ask me questions and they killed me with what they thought America was like, let alone Miami, Florida. I don't remember all of the questions, but they wanted to know if I had a mansion, if I was rich, do I see stars all of the time, obesity questions...really hilarious stuff. I would've never guessed they thought that way, but apparently America is amazing to Belgian kids. I only went to like 2 classes because I have a fixed schedule so I don't really have 7 dragging hours of school so it's cool. I come, go to a few classes and leave when my school day is done. That was today and if something different happens tomorrow then ... A demain mes amis!

You know ittttttt, 
    xo   Frozen Honey

P.s. did I mention that I'm freezing my tatas off !? The idea of cold is cute, but it's rainy and gray all day and cold... #thecoldtruth

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