Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Scandinavian Diaries - Day 3

Hej hej! (That's Swedish guys)  
Today is July 1st, my day 3 in Sweden. This city is pure magic, I swear. For soooo many reasons I'm in love with it. There hasn't been any sun which kind of stinks, but I'm not even focused on that. Yes, it's also cold, but I've been able to get over it. I absolutely adore Stockholm and it's quirks. I am most definitely coming back to this city if I don't move here at some point. How lovely. 
But how weird is it that 4 completely different people have said that they bet I'd find a husband here!? I don't particularly believe in coincidences, but I'm not gona lie ... I did imagine myself and my future family life with a blonde Swedish papi. Apparently the people here like people of color because they're so far and few, but nobody has gone out of their way to talk to me yet (sad face). Well ... There was this one creepy old man that got up and asked me how I knew he was staring at my neck bc I put my scarf on after he started .... But guys, I literally had my scarf on the entire time so that was odd. 
People have been kind so far, but people who are working or if I ask for directions at an information area. It's not like Indonesia where the entire fucking island is on cloud 9 and chipper from dawn to dusk, but I feel comfortable in that sense. 
Before you ask, yes I've gotten lost already. I hate that shit. I like knowing where I'm going and walking with confidence. I always get lost guys, it's super typical of life tbh. I'm used to it, but I just like to bring it up from time to time.
I haven't done too much other than exploring, but I've loved what I've seen and the way I feel in the city. I live on Södermalm and that's a small island, city-like setup, and then there's a train to take you into the big city. A bit reminiscent of Brussels. 
I'm already in love with this city. I'm sure my week will only get better from here!

Pus pus,

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