Saturday, July 26, 2014


I've fallen in some type of slump here in Abu Dhabi. I'm unmotivated and there's no promise of excitement for the next day as there was in Sweden. Am I done with this country? 
I've finally found it in me to get social, whether or not the age difference between these people and I are 10 years + and awkward. For lack of understanding, how does one lift ones self out of a depressed state? Should I try daily affirmations? I pray a lot, daily dialogues and such. It's going well, but then again when is Jesus not super attentive and there for you? 

I started working out again. That's a definite step because I enjoy taking care of myself. Maybe the issue is instant gratification and I need to learn to be ok with how life isn't happening at an instant's speed. One step should be enough for now, but it feels more like a failure to take a bigger, more effective step. 
I'm trying not to be negative, it's a bad thing. If everything happens for a reason, NO COINCIDENCES, then nothing is a failure, a downfall, a bad thing. I forget that because I count some "bad" things and all good things. Time for change, eh?

Have a good day America,

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