Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Scandinavian Diaries - Day 8

It's day 8 on the island of Södermalm and I suck at this diary business, it's not a diary anymore. 

I'm writing a before/after type diary today guys. Why? I've just been invited to an Indian BBQ where they'll only speak Hindi or Urdu and yea... I want to take advantage of going to one because I don't know when I'll be going to one again, but I won't be speaking to anyone (the fucking language barrier, der) so hopefully this won't be as long as a Bollywood movie. So here's my BEFORE, before the questions and assumptions and comfort level. It's good to be uncomfortable sometimes. It's good for the soul. Comfort for long periods of time is unsettling, that means nothing new is coming into your life and you aren't really developing as a human being. So let's get uncomfortable.

And here's the AFTER, the hard cold truth. It wasn't bad! I thought it was going to be your average 1,000 person Pakistani party, but it was actually an intimate get together with a few people. It was outside of the city, a quaint area and a cute house. I guess I should also mention that these people all have money .... Not like Jim Jones' BALLIN'! but they're well off so it was cute and fun. The food was really good. I did sit awkwardly by myself a lot of the time, but I'm used to it, wasn't my first rodeo so that was w.e. Then I guess this one lady felt bad for me and insisted that I play with the children ... Yea, she asked if an 11 year old could include me ... guys, I'm on the verge of 21 I'm just sayin. It was such a beautiful day so I went back to sitting outside with the men, I enjoy men-talk. Ever since I was in Belgium and my Belgian dad would talk to me about all types of things, I like what men have to say about business and politics. 

All in all, people mostly spoke Urdu and Swedish, but when else am I gona go to a party where people are speaking that interchangeably? It was cool. 
My advice to you guys: just do it. Whatever it is. Say yes more than you say no. I wanted to say no, but I forced a yes out of me and it was worth it.

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