Thursday, February 28, 2013

the wedding bells are ringing y'all

So 2 days ago a girl that I've been friends with since the 5th grade sent me a text telling me that she was getting married this sunday and that she wanted me to be there. I never thought that I'd be going to a friends wedding this soon but hey, I guess it can happen.

I remember in middle school when my friend and two of our other close friends would joke about which one of us we thought was going to get married first and I knew I was right when I said her lol.

I just hope everything runs smoothly and we dont have any problems because I really dont want to have to put anyone on worldstar. Ill post pictures from the wedding either when I get home on sunday or monday the latest.

your royal thickness,


Monday, February 25, 2013

A little California in Florida

OH MY GOSHHHHH, what a great Saturday I had!  I really love my little Saturday getaways, especially when I go with Hercules.  This Saturday consisted of me falling in love with this little kitchen called California Tacos To Go from my favorite Food Network show, Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives.  It's in Tampa, so it was about an hour and a half drive and then I figured that it only made sense to stay there the entire day, so we also hit up this dog beach nearby.  I got this California burrito, it was AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGG.  At first, I wasn't thrilled when the charming homosexual man who took my order heard me wrong and loaded up my burrito with sour cream and guacamole and errrthang, but then he gladly took it back and gave me a new one except had cheese in it.  I just sucked it up to avoid being a world-class ass.  The cheese in there wasn't bad at all, but it was too rich for my liking.  I think my favorite part about it was the french fries they put inside and there was so much flavor, wowza; t'was a kick ass burrito. It was a strictly outdoor eatery so Herc and I sat outside and I gave him a cup of water while I chowed down.

Then the dog beach, how cute.  I love the concept to begin with, but I think I loved it so much because the weather was extremely gloomy and nobody was even really out there.. maybe 2 families?  and the actual beach/sand was like 1 foot, then there was a lot of grass and stuff.  I didn't mind because I didn't expect much from a Tampa "beach".  It felt so relaxing and I let Hercules run and he sprinted and had so much joy in his heart, it made me so happy.  I felt truly relaxed.  Anyways, I had a great Saturday and I took some pictures of our mini roadtrip, enjoy if it's your thing. lol

ready to head out...late


we love roadtips, cars, and windows !

how could you not fall in love with this sweetheart ?!

And I was never hungry again

his cup of water

good food, good people

the UK or Tampa ?

never been to a beach with more grass than sand

foggy ass Tampa

my frizzy beach hair and his sandy paws
This place is worth the trip if you ever find yourself in the Central Florida or West Florida area !  Farewell sweet children of the Earth (:
  -ya highness, honey suckle

Sunday, February 24, 2013

One Direction Sundaysss

It's Sunday! Sunday! SUNDAYYY!!!
Which means it's time for me to catch up on all the work I had been putting off on all week. Oh, online classes, how I do love thee. During the week I'm sleeping, chilling or at work and on Saturday I chill even more and on Sunday I do what any elite procrastinator would do... Turn in mediocre work for elite grades (duh).
Thanks to Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam and Niall (<3) I can have some sort of fun while doing all these mundane but necessary tasks. Currently I'm on Spotify listening to a playlist that contains their debut album Up All Night, their sophmore album Take Me Home and features their single for Red Nose, One Way Or Another (Teenage Kicks).
Whats on todays to do list you ask??
  1. Nutrition
    1. Read Ch. 6 & 8
    2. Do Discussions
  2. FIU- Honors Application
    1. Outline Essay
    2. Complete Education Resume
  3. Religions
    1. Discussion Boards
    2. Spiritual Discipline Paper
  4. Wash Hair
  5. Clean Room
I highly doubt I'll clean my room but it was worth adding to the list.
Well this was a cute break. Time to get back to work seeing as how the day is almost over and I havent completed a single one of those tasks.

hash tag 1D forever
hash tag Niall is definitly mine
hash tag Miami Bound

Breaking News!

     It has been a long time since I've posted anything. The hiatus wasn't planned it kind of just happened I promise. Well to whoever reads this besides Winnie and Bee, I wanted to make it known that on March 4 I will be starting classes at DeVry University! But anyways I am very excited to get my second chance at starting over. I know that with the motivation I have from my mom and PPC, I will do very well (:

    Since Bianca just recently posted her hair update, I wanted to give you guys mine. On March 5, I wil have transitioned for 9 months so far y'all! Can I get a woot woot?! *WOOT WOOT* When I eventually get around to uploading a recent photo of myself I will.

Peace, Love, and Hair Grease,


Saturday, February 23, 2013

8 months above ground

But welcome to 8 months of happiness !  I'm always so shocked when I reach another month of hair freedom.  I don't believe that I got this far(:  I'm quite proud of how I've gotten here.  It's one thing to be at this point, but it's another to be here and in good standings.  My hair is so healthy ! :D  I'm dying to see it though.  I love this weave because it allows me to be lazy, yet maintain a protective style for so long, but I miss my hair.  I'm dying to touch it and admire its unruly curls and uneven valleys.  You really grow to love your hair, it's kind of like your child in that you take care of it and nurture it and try to be as patient as you can while learning about it.  As far as I know, I need a hair trim and I want to do it asap because it's already bothering me, but I'm a bit nervous seeing as though I've never trimmed my own hair nor have I ever been a fan of an improper trim.  Just as an update, I have decided to release the Kraken on March 3rd since I'll be on Spring Break, try for some mini twists and hope for a promising future of that for about 4 weeks and rock my frodie for about a month until the summer.  If anyone is reading this and is going through natural hair trials, I say keep on chugging my sista, times get rough, but never stop caring about your hair and be patient.  What do you have left if you aren't patient?  Anyways, here's my hair all twisted up in the weave game, but I will take some pics later with my 8 month fro, mini twists and my twists now just to see everything as it's coming along.  Stay tuned for my hairvolution ....

stay strong soul sistas,
           Honey Bunny xo

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What it do?

After not posting for what feels like a month I looked around my room and came to a conclusion. I can't finish things!!!
Not only do I procrastinate but I rarely finish things. Like I had this list of books I was supposed to read throughout the year and I still haven't finished one. I fall asleep during movies. And I have never once turned in a written assignment in early.
This is starting to annoy me a lot more than the average teen boy. It's not like I can make a promise to myself to finish things... BECAUSE I WON'T FINISH THAT!!!
I know what to do. I'm just to lazy to do it.
I'll figure my life out later.

Hash tag BUMbaclaade
Hash tag so sleepy

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sataday Hip, Hip, HUHHHRAY

So for this weekend, I decided to spice it up by going to a lunch for 1 at this Persian/Mediterranean restaurant, Shiraz Grill.  It was great, the food was great, and then to top off my Saturday, I went to Michael's and Home Depot to feed my growing hobby of DIY.  I figure that it's a healthy hobby that I can take with me anywhere.  If I move to another country or another school, I can still DIY my life.  I don't really feel like talking much, I just want to share my pictures ... so good night if you're into that sort of thing.

what I wore

sorry I look like a whale, I suppose

this ring is super gaudy at first sight, but you get used to it.

where I went.  The lunch special menu

yummy pita bread, butter, and feta


I felt amazing being served lunch in a clay pot.

My chicken tagine and rice pilaf with saffron

view from the outside

I bought all of this in one day, lots of hours in Michael's ... but I feel accomplished

Michael's/Home Depot haul.  Get ready for this art I'm bouta pull out my artistic asshole. (too vulgar?)
So that's pretty much it and I had a fantastic day and I'll keep finding new things to do every weekend! see ya :*
-Honey Needs Da Money

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


wow. talk about a night of distractions ..... DEANNA BAILEY.  Yea, well I just need the one to five of the people who may or may not read this to watch this.  It's quite a classic and perfectly threw me off of my work for good.  I found my way back to math, but it's been hours...hours I won't get back 'til Saturday the 16th.  Also, it's been a crazy night for distractions seeing as though I obsessed over Justin Beiber for 70%of the time and watched everything Drake on Youtube for about 85% of the time... DO THE MATH.  On top of that, I listened to J. Baby's acoustic album like 3 times and then felt like I was in the mood for Destiny's Child (why tf tho?) and now I'm in a #fuckyofeelings Beyonce mood listening to everything dating back to 2003 when she made the album "Dangerously in Love".  I used to listen to that as a bedtime lullaby when I was younger. lol.  My Rev Run quote for tonight is "Distract yourself my friends, where's your inner Baddie Bey hiding at?!"

    Mucho Gusto,
            Honey Luvvva

^ THE LINK ! get back to your classics.

Monday, February 11, 2013

My Ramble On Guys

I know it's probably super hard to hear me and what you do hear makes no sense, but I promise you, if I had tried to make sense and explained myself better than I not only would not have this crazy run on paragraph, but I would also be a good person.
hash tag spur of the moment much
hash tag who still likes Taylor Swift after the Grammys?

Friday, February 1, 2013


I thought it would only be fitting to discuss the events of about a week ago when I went to Bethune for Windel's birthday surprise.  It was a surprise for me as it was for her... I'd like to leave it there.  Anyways, it was great spending some time with a friend since I never go out in Orlando and I have ZERO friends here.  It was great until I was constantly annoyed with her friends...I never say bro because...eww, but BRO !  I came from Orlando for my best friend's birthday, do you fucking suppose that her hood rat comrades could back the fuck up and let us hang out for a few hours?!  It's like they needed her and then they'd come inside her room and just sit quietly to watch us.  LIKE BRO !!!  The ratchet Orlando 104 bus bitch wanted to beat on her gorilla chest and King Kong the fuck out of these hoes. We only hung out for like a few hours, but it was nice for the seconds that we had together.  As far as the "house party" goes...not gonna go there (:  I have a few pics and a video from our 2 hour love fest and welp; enjoy :*

Love, honeylicious