Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Modern Day Horror Story

So I'm trying to edit this video to post, but I'm having so much trouble :( While I wait I guess I'll tell my recent nose horror story. BUENO ? So it was a Friday night and I was home relaxing because I'm too sick and tired to do much.  Sitting up in my bed, I believe I was entertaining myself in some internet pleasure (no porno for this pussy guys, kthanks) and then I sneezed -.-  I then went for a tissue to blow my nose when I PULLED MY NOSE RING RIGHT OUT !!!!  Tragic, but yes, it happened to me because the universe is fighting the hole in my face.  So for over an hour I'm in front of the mirror frustrated trying to put it back in :( NO BUENO.  So I find a temporary solution:

Dangerous you may ask...I think the real question is "dangerous while sleeping?" lol.  Yes, I also fell asleep with this just like that accidentally :((  The good times just keep on coming right?!  Well I was desperate so that was looking pretty good to me!  No worries my friend, later on that day my mom took me to a tattoo shop and I replaced my fab sewing needle with a real nose ring, a horse shoe ring to be exact.

Not too shabby now (;  Hope you enjoyed my story and sorry there's still no video up :(  I swear I'm still working on it.  I go to school tomorrow so I'll see if I can solve it there.

           Love y'all !
                      Honey Bunny xx

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