Saturday, November 10, 2012


I will be 19 in 5 days. Thats great and all, but whats so good about being 19? That has to be the most awkward age there is. Turning 17 was pretty awkward also but at least at 17 you're able to watch rated R movies alone. What do you get to do at 19 that you weren't able to do at 18? Absolutely nothing. At least we're  a year closer to 20, because then you'e no longer a teen. That's when it REALLY gets real. I just wish I didn't have to spend my birthday up here in boring ass tallanasty, I don't even think Im going to do anything but eat dinner on campus with my friends. Thank god I'm leaving on the tuesday after to come home for thanksgiving break, maybe I can turn up a little with my girls when we all get home.

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