Friday, November 30, 2012

She Ratchett!

If you are a fan of the web series The Misadventure of Awkward Black Girl  like we are then you should check out her web series Ratchet Piece Theatre where she talks about her favorite ratchet songs of the moment. I died lol so watch it!

<3 always,


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

El Break

OMG.  Did the world realize how necessary that past Thanksgiving break was?  I needed to be away from this freaking frozen land that is Orlando and my "circumstances" and school and work.  I missed mi familia and many other lovely people.  I just had the best time ever and I can't wait til Christmas break.  I took some pictures, so take a look after the jump. (by the way, these are Everglades pics and us going to a farmer's market/nursery)

Au revoir y'all,
       xx Honey Love

You Can Watch Me On Your Video Phone

Wassup wassup wassup.  I recorded this video because I wanted to show my booskies new things about me because we aren't finding much time to chat all at once.  It's a bit outdated because uploading took too much time; sorry. Anyways, huuuur it is:

Yes, it's terribly long, but watch it.  I had a lot of nothing to say.  Uhhhh yea, watch it y'all!!!
oh, I also realized that it's so long because I speak waaay too slowly, sorry guys, it's like a disease.

            Honey Honey

Friday, November 23, 2012

Wash Day

Washed my hair today. Made a video documenting it.
hashtag making a video on imovie is wayy easier than making a movie on windows live 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Modern Day Horror Story

So I'm trying to edit this video to post, but I'm having so much trouble :( While I wait I guess I'll tell my recent nose horror story. BUENO ? So it was a Friday night and I was home relaxing because I'm too sick and tired to do much.  Sitting up in my bed, I believe I was entertaining myself in some internet pleasure (no porno for this pussy guys, kthanks) and then I sneezed -.-  I then went for a tissue to blow my nose when I PULLED MY NOSE RING RIGHT OUT !!!!  Tragic, but yes, it happened to me because the universe is fighting the hole in my face.  So for over an hour I'm in front of the mirror frustrated trying to put it back in :( NO BUENO.  So I find a temporary solution:

Dangerous you may ask...I think the real question is "dangerous while sleeping?" lol.  Yes, I also fell asleep with this just like that accidentally :((  The good times just keep on coming right?!  Well I was desperate so that was looking pretty good to me!  No worries my friend, later on that day my mom took me to a tattoo shop and I replaced my fab sewing needle with a real nose ring, a horse shoe ring to be exact.

Not too shabby now (;  Hope you enjoyed my story and sorry there's still no video up :(  I swear I'm still working on it.  I go to school tomorrow so I'll see if I can solve it there.

           Love y'all !
                      Honey Bunny xx

Brocade Inspired Nails

So I found this nail tutorial on this really cool blog and thought I'd try it out!  I say brocade inspired because I like brocade and it would inspire me to do that kind of nails design.  It was fairly easy, I'd say on a scale of Easy to Masta Painta, it's Easy. lol
Here are some pics:

These are the materials I used^^ The item that really created the effect was the makeup sponge.  The thing I did that I see not too many people do is use the most out of the makeup sponge.  I definitely cut that sponge up into SEVERAL pieces and I only used one for both hands.

These are the names of the colors, Essie's 'STYLENOMICS' and Orly's 'RAGE'.

 I usually start with the clear nail strengthener and then I started with the first layer, 'stylenomics'.

I don't have a picture of the sponging part, but i applied a bit of 'rage' on a portion of sponge and lightly dabbed it onto my nail, but not all the way up so that some of the 'stylenomics' could be seen.

And that's it! Oh, I also applied a topcoat to seal everything in blah blah blah, you know (;

                                      Honey Honey Honeyyyyyyyyyy

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I Am Black and I Am Proud.

I really needed this. 

The people around me tend to question if I am proud to be black. 
I am! I love my history, my culture and the people who share it with me. 
I go to an HBCU for heavens sake. 
Just because I don't talk like you, walk like you or dress like you doesn't mean I'm not black; it means i'm educated. Those stereotypes who walk around should be the ones being questioned. If you were really proud to be black- proud to be from the same motherland of Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali- then why wouldn't you want to showcase the best of your talents. 
When people think of me I want to think of an educated, well-mannered, well spoken, worldly young woman who can carry her own. 
I am happy that BET actually used their power to showcase the amazing black women and the handsome black men who believe in us and crave the best for us. 
Because when the day is done, I want to go home to an Idris Elba not a Weezy F. Baby. 
I want my kids to look up to mommy & daddy and not think that they cant do anything because of their skin color or their hair texture. I want them to shoot for the stars and never feel like they have to be something other than themselves because that's what people are expecting of them. 
Just because the people around me are not the people I want them to be, doesn't mean there are not people like me hiding somewhere. 

hashtag dark & lovely
hashtag black & educated

Black Girls Rock! 2012 | Black Girls Rock! | Shows | BET:
'via Blog this'

Monday, November 12, 2012

Should I Stay, Or Should I Go?

My mom and I were talking earlier and she asked me if I thought about coming home (Miami) and going to school there because she doesn't feel like I'm happy here. It really got me thinking because I have thought about transferring schools because I think deep down I'm truly not happy here (Tallahassee). But I don't want to go home because then Ill feel like Ive given up. And then there are my friends that I have here, I really don't want to leave them. But I do have to focus on me and whats going to make me happy, I definitely have to sit and reevaluate my life.

Bianca Logic

As much as I really want November to end, I really want November to end.  That pretty much sums up a sentence of the paragraph of thoughts rushing throughout my mind right now, preventing me from falling asleep so that I won't wake up as Madame Cranky Bitch...rather Honey Bee.  Not much left to say seeing as though I have to force my eyelids open in a few hours, 5 a.m. to be exact.  Oh! I will try to post my recent mini haul from my 1st Orlando shopping trip since I've been here, but I'm still trying to figure out if a video is best or a series of photos.  Maybe both. Toodleloo y'all.

                                                      Be easy,
                                                              Honey Bee

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I will be 19 in 5 days. Thats great and all, but whats so good about being 19? That has to be the most awkward age there is. Turning 17 was pretty awkward also but at least at 17 you're able to watch rated R movies alone. What do you get to do at 19 that you weren't able to do at 18? Absolutely nothing. At least we're  a year closer to 20, because then you'e no longer a teen. That's when it REALLY gets real. I just wish I didn't have to spend my birthday up here in boring ass tallanasty, I don't even think Im going to do anything but eat dinner on campus with my friends. Thank god I'm leaving on the tuesday after to come home for thanksgiving break, maybe I can turn up a little with my girls when we all get home.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Since I tend to associate with guys who I think resemble my personality, I am really beginning to question who I am... because they are all jerks.

hashtag still time
hashtag it really isnt even that serious

Sunday, November 4, 2012

It's Time to Blame Ourselves...sometimes

I tell ya, there's no perfect man, but a woman can surely create that perfect dream.  Influenced by my fellow friend's post, are we as a gender (and I suppose men too) at fault because it is, in fact, US who have given birth to our perfect partner?  It makes sense for us to be disappointed in others that we've given false hopes to in our heads and these wonderful qualities they'll never possess.  This is also the reason why I NEVER EVER EVER want to meet Drake, I'm sure to be disappointed.  He seems like this wonderful man, but what I fail to forget is that he isn't always going to be the man in his mind...if he does truly bear his soul to the world.  I'm not the woman in my head....I'd be quite offensive and irrational.  Not much more to say and I also got really distracted, just wana wrap it up by saying I love you Windelerella.

                           Ciao Bloggas,
                                           xx Honaaaaay

Friday, November 2, 2012


you're shit.
you're lower then shit. if shit could speak, shit would confront me about comparing itself to you.
today someone asked me if i hate you.
and i looked at you. i thought to myself, how could i ever hate you. after all the mean things you said about me, after all the dirty looks you gave me, the messages you never replied to that i spent so much time mustering up the courage to send you; still not in a million years could i hate you.
even now as i right these angry words about how horrible of a person you are and how you make me feel like cap whenever you walk into a room, i still dont hate you.
i hate myself for not being what you want, for not being able to mesmerize you and keep you the way i had envisioned.
no matter how many angry looks you give me or how many times you call me ugly, it will always be my fault. i will always try to imagine a world where things did workout. a world where we were best friends, and i got to tell you about my day and how crappy it was. a world where nothing but caring gentle words came out of your mouth and i was never anything less than a princess in your eyes.
but now i'm stuck with this shadow of a broken promise. everyone thinks you re so great and that everything you touch is sure to become gold. BUT YOU'RE NOT. you're fake. everything you do just seems like an act. your whole existence can be argued into becoming a flaw. you know what kind of power you hold over people, that's why you talk so little. you don't want your flaws to come out, you don't want that ego of yours to be shown in public.
but even still... I'M WRITING THIS ABOUT YOU. i still cant manage to tell my brain what i can tell the world.
you are shit.
lower than shit.

hash tag nothing

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bon Voyage

I wait months for this beautiful month and I now will watch it go.  October came beautifully...even though there was a horrible hurricane that ravaged the northeast, I loved October 2012.  May you resurface as gorgeously as you did this year.

                                                    Forever and always,
                                                                        Honey Bee