Saturday, October 13, 2012

Everyday Is Not Promised

I received some bad news yesterday afternoon, my friend Chris had died. He was a senior this year at my school and he some how contracted bacterial meningitis. What the fuck was all I could think when I heard that. Usually when you hear about kids dying, its different because you might not know them and they dont go to your school. I never thought something like this would happen to my school. I've had this mindset that all of my friends are going to live forever and nothing bad will ever happen to them. Chris was the kind of kid that everything he did would make you laugh, he could just walk into the class and he had this dumb look on his face. He would get in trouble so much in class for being a dumb ass but it was hilarious. I always thought he kinda looked like a young Taylor Lautner and he would always get mad when I told him that but it was true so I didn't care. I was talking to him about a month ago about hanging out when I came down from school on thanksgiving break. He's in a better place now and I'm going to have to accept that. Cherish everyone around you because you never know when it could be your last day with them.

<3 always,


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