Monday, October 29, 2012


I just realized that I've been a pretty shitty blogger in the lack of labels that I've been using.  See, I noticed that you can put labels on your posts and I thought it was cute until blogger decided to change the "look" of blogger and not putting the label area where I'm used to.  Labels are cute so that people who type things into google can find your blog out of the hits they receive via LABELS.  Will I go back to older blog posts of mine and lebel them? ehhhhh, I'm going to say no.. whether it's because my current little cold has increased my laziness by 35% or because it would ruin history,  doesn't really matter.  From now on I will label my posts, not so much for widespread popularity because that wasn't the original intent of this blog, but because they tend to be funny and because I lack the romantic love option in this "labels or love" battle, I'll label the hell out of our blog.

I'd also like to add that I miss my friends and family very much.  Although it became a tougher drive when I moved to Broward, it didn't feel far, but being in Orlando and everyone being all over the place in Florida feels like I hopped onto a wild roller coaster that I don't know how to excuse myself from.  So shout out my big hommies, Honey bee luhhh y'all :*

xxxxxx Honey bee

(p.s. yes, the title is in German, shout out to my germssss out there too !)

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