Wednesday, June 20, 2012

the fashion world comes up with some weird stuff these days

So I know the popular trend now is color blocking; it’s cute and I all if you’re wearing a shirt with a bunch of colors that go together because that’s cute. But if you’re wearing a yellow shirt, pink shorts, and blue shoes, then something is obviously wrong with you. THAT ISN’T CUTE! If you happen to like doing this, I’m sorry that’s your choice. You will never catch me wearing something like a purple shirt, green pants, and pink shoes. That’ll never happen, ever. I just became friends with a girl on Facebook who in her profile pic happened to be wearing the yellow top, pink shorts, and blue shoes. And she continued to dress like this in several other photos; using different colors of course. Where did this whole trend start? I don’t care because it needs to end, now.
          <3 always,
This is a yes

This is a hell to the no

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