Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I have to keep this simple and sweet because I have an Ethnobotany quiz tomorrow morning and I'm already tired and haven't studied a LICK.  My point?  A nigga's hair follicles been pushin daisies for 7 months now !  I feel like these months are playing games and flying by for fun.  I can't believe it's been 7 months, I remember going to the pub like it was yesterday and being so totes bored out of my mind not having anything to do this past summer.  (short and sweet booboo)  I have my magic weave in my hair still so neither of us know how fab my fro looks now, but I suppose we'll see  soon.  1 year peep show coming soon :* #teamnatural  #teamwatchutwerkinwit

   work, work, work, work, BOUNCE
                           - Honey Flapjacks xo

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