
Birthday: October 24 ---- Scorpio
Education: Valencia College
Location: Orlando, Florida
Home: technically, Al Ain, UAE
but I was born/raised in Miami, FL
I enjoy respectable photography of myself

The writer in my head wants to divulge so many unnecessary things that do not directly describe me so I'm going to stop myself before I start (I wish more people did that).  If you're a stickler for the facts of life then I apologize because this picture of me is outdated, I will replace it when another one can equally replace it.  ANYWAYS, I don't have many talents except for painting nails like a perfectionist, twerking unapologetically, and possessing mother-like qualities.  Sometimes I debate whether being a big-hearted person comes more naturally than my sarcasm, but in case you were wondering, I DO wear both traits on my sleeves.

I am not currently obsessed with any individual, but there are 2 men that rock my world daily. 
1) Hercules- mi perro
2) Aubrey Drake Graham- my lyrical lover

My main man

My 2nd heartbeat
Have I said enough? Not too many people know much about my life, so for strangers on the internet, I say a shitload.  With all of the kindness in my culo, thanks!

Honey Bee

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