Monday, January 21, 2013

Congrats To Me!!

I finally got a job (work-study) and I decided that since I would now have a stable income that I should treat myself by going shopping. You know what that means... THRIFT STORES!!!
Over the last two days I have been at a thrift store. Here are my delicious findings.

City Thrift. Shorts: $2.98 Sweater: $3.98
Goodwill. Shorts: $2.24 Shirt: $3.14
Goodwill. Shorts: $1.12 Shirt: $1.66

I got a lot of amazing discounts at Goodwill. The last photo was so cheap because it was half off and on top of that I got a discount for being a college student. Sweet.
hash tag love shorts
hash tag hate shaving
hash tag thrifting makes me so happy
Since my birthday is on Saturday I also consider this as a birthday gift to myself. Mama knows what Mama likes. 

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