Monday, January 21, 2013


So I kind of feel like a chem wiz even though I did this blindly and out of sheer desperation, but I digress... I have created the perfect potion to tame the desert that is my scalp in this weave!  Amazing, right?  Extensions absorb all of the moisture in your actual hair, making it a necessity to constantly moisturize properly and on top of that!  my scalp is soooo horribly cursed with seborrheic dermatitis, not dandruff.  I've literally made life easier for myself once again, I am genius of the night, THANK YOU.  Although I've only been using my mixture for like 2-3 days, I see a dramatic difference and that tells me everything I've been searching for has been found.  I mixed extra virgin olive oil because it's in my kitchen and coconut oil because I bought it sooo long ago and there goes the only 2 real oils that I own.  I added up some water to dilute to mix a bit and TADOWWWWWWWW, my milky cocopuff mix.  I did my research and apparently there's some real science behind what I've done so bless my curious fingers and desperation for a moistened scizzzalp.  Here's the link to the site I read the science info on and yea.  That was it, I really just wanted to share my huge eureka moment with you all, whoever you all is anyways.
                  xxxx Honey Tea

my b, here's the link

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