Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 13- Nivelles

Today we went to Nivelles, this charming area near our house (sort of) and enjoyed the afternoon there. Oh ! I forgot to mention that we start off every Sunday morning eating at about 7:30 am eating fresh croissants, bread, and chocolate croissants🍴🍞🍩 it's magic, honestly. Then, we top it off with hot chocolate to soothe the soul ☕ so back to Nivelles, we went first to this open air flea market which was cool because it was a Belgian flea market/bargain huntery and I like those, but it was a foreign one and I had to give it a try. Nothing really interested me, but I just thought about how cool it was that some of the things being sold were so old, much older than American things, and the family that it belonged to and what their life was like. We didn't stay long, then we went to the park. Lots to describe, but I won't because I don't feel like it, but it was gorgeous, huge paths, lots of people out and there were fishermen around the lake and it was great (forgot to say how awesome the weather was). We came home and the little ones asked me to accompany them on a bike ride ... and I did :( so I'm hurting even more and feel like my ass is bruised (literally) but it was a good exercise. I tried this new yogalates app I found last night, I liked it a lot so I'll probably be doing that too because I love yoga and Pilates is great too so I like yogalates, naturally. I also tried this protective flat twist updo from simplyounique on YouTube .. It came out pretty good for my first time, but I'm not Queen of Flat twists yet so I have to work on that, but I should also work on trying it when I'm not about to sleep and it's late and I'm considering sleeping while standing . Dassss it 😘

Hugs and kisses and croissants, 
   xo   Chunky Honey

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