Saturday, June 29, 2013


Heyy to anyone that's reading this besides winnie and bee. Just wanted to say what Ive been up to lately even though it really isn't much of anything haha. Well I finished my second session of school (I was taking math) and I did absolutely great! I ended my class with a 94! Ive never had an A in a math class in all of my years of being in school so I'm super happy.

Also my lucky week started with me getting a call from an employer to come for an interview for a job I applied for 2 weeks ago. Ill keep you guys posted on how that goes.

Tata for nowwww

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Spring Break 13

I know this is mad late but here are some photos and videos from my spring break trip in St. Augustine back in March.

My phone was acting up so none of the videos had noise... or maybe my phone wasnt acting up. Mac Miller & Juicy J does make sense at a St. Patricks Day Parade if you think about it.


Vidyyyy Vid

You're welcome.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Guess who's back?

I got wiffiiiiiiiii.
Now that I have internet at home I will be sure to share all my medicre summer days with yall.
But since it's the first night that I have internet I will be watching TV and fallingf asleep since I am mad tired.


Friday, June 7, 2013

1 year down!

June 5 made one year since I have been transitioning back to my natural hair y'all! And it was also a year since the 3 of us have graduated from high school but anyways, I cant believe that I have made it this far in my journey. The next step is to figure out what I am going to do with it. Do I keep transitiong a little longer? Or do I just chop off the permed ends now!? I think Im going to wait a little longer and get some braids done.

Thats all folks!



Day 17- Can you say VACAY ?

It feels so wonderful being on vacation for real. I think about nothing except for what I want to do next. I can't even recall that feeling of freedom, not even. I'm so happy, I woke up and ate breakfast, worked out like there was no tomorrow, ate lunch outside, read a bit, and took a nap in a lawn chair ... PERFECTION ACTUALLY. I worked out again in the late evening and loved life all the more. I don't have much more to say because I only know how perfect this feels and can't explain it in detail. Enjoy your day (;

   xo Honey chill 

Day 16- the end/beginning

Today was my last day of school in Belgium and I'm quite excited. Don't get me wrong, cool experience and stuff, but I couldn't stand being in school with children again. Wednesdays are only half days in Belgium so school ends at 12 and then my summer felt even more real. I pretty much relaxed and hung out around the house and then obviously was supposed to work out but I got too comfortable and as soon as I noticed ... It was late so I just took a shower and went to sleep. Wednesday was mostly uneventful except for it being my last day of school ... Das it.


To check out my pictures, go to :

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 14- Blahhhh

Today was supposed to be warm and sunny, but it wasn't. Damn the weathermen, damn the hopeful bitches who got overexcited about it being warmer than frigid. I'm freezing, but I had lunch today in the cafeteria for the first time . I just hated how loud it was, but my food was really good. For lunch, you request things you want and in my case, a sandwich,I write down on a sticker what I wanted in my sandwich and they have it ready for me when it's my lunchtime. I had a ham and lettuce/tomato/carrot sandwich on a toasted fresh French baguette and it was the entire baguette so it was filling but I'm not bloated full. People still are looking at me like I'm a fucking alien while I just wana spit out ABG remarks like I'm fucking Santa, but I'm quiet and glare back with my eagle eyes. Nothing special about today ..... I'll exercise today and that's it. I'm also cutting my eating portions down, I'll try to eat by half and when we go grocery shopping again, hopefully I'll have euros to spend on my own little healthy snacks like fruit and veggies 💵 ➡ 💶 ➡🍓🍑🍎🍇🍌 and if you lucky 2 want to know if my ass still hurts ... IT DOES. You would've guessed that I biked on a fuckin boulder or something ! Back at it I will be again 😘

Bisous bisous,
      The Baguette Queen

(p.s. tonight we went out to this grocery store and it was the grand opening so there was a party with wine, beer, and tasty appetizers. really cute stuff, it was just interesting and I had never been to a grand opening party ... Just thought I'd share that)

To check out my pictures, go to

Day 13- Nivelles

Today we went to Nivelles, this charming area near our house (sort of) and enjoyed the afternoon there. Oh ! I forgot to mention that we start off every Sunday morning eating at about 7:30 am eating fresh croissants, bread, and chocolate croissants🍴🍞🍩 it's magic, honestly. Then, we top it off with hot chocolate to soothe the soul ☕ so back to Nivelles, we went first to this open air flea market which was cool because it was a Belgian flea market/bargain huntery and I like those, but it was a foreign one and I had to give it a try. Nothing really interested me, but I just thought about how cool it was that some of the things being sold were so old, much older than American things, and the family that it belonged to and what their life was like. We didn't stay long, then we went to the park. Lots to describe, but I won't because I don't feel like it, but it was gorgeous, huge paths, lots of people out and there were fishermen around the lake and it was great (forgot to say how awesome the weather was). We came home and the little ones asked me to accompany them on a bike ride ... and I did :( so I'm hurting even more and feel like my ass is bruised (literally) but it was a good exercise. I tried this new yogalates app I found last night, I liked it a lot so I'll probably be doing that too because I love yoga and Pilates is great too so I like yogalates, naturally. I also tried this protective flat twist updo from simplyounique on YouTube .. It came out pretty good for my first time, but I'm not Queen of Flat twists yet so I have to work on that, but I should also work on trying it when I'm not about to sleep and it's late and I'm considering sleeping while standing . Dassss it 😘

Hugs and kisses and croissants, 
   xo   Chunky Honey

To check out my pictures, go to

Day 12- OMG

Not much to say for my Saturday except for my Belgian papa surprised me with a new mf bike ! Like who does that !? 😍😂👌✊ it made the day perfect ... It was a surprise for ME! He fixed it and put it together and my Belgian brother, papa, and I went on a bike ride. I thought, lets to test the bike out ... It was actually, lets test out Bianca's vagina and see if it has tear ducts so it can cry after we take her on this triathlon. I went uphill, downhill, in potholes, through a parking lot, on 1 1/2 feet wide sidewalks that were uneven, across streets with cars flying down them, and on dirt roads with no borders separating me from the large body of water I could've rolled into. It wasn't fun, but the fact that we did it together was and the fact that they took me on a "child's course" was fun and considerate. Did I mention that a bike ride isn't a casual stroll, but more like final destination : Belgium ? They knew no slow pace, these boys were needing more speed, casually. I tried to explain to them that I was from flat ass Florida, but they just laughed because they thought the route we took was flat. Oh ok, and Ryan Gosling is waiting for me at our summer home in Greece. That's my Saturday and Sunday and Monday ... but only because I'm still sore and it's Monday morning 👎😭 

until the next death race, 
      Miss Equipped 

To check out my pictures, go to

Day 11- New Châtelet

I saw a different side of town today, rather the town my school is in. During lunch I ate with the same super friendly girls after their midday smoke, but it was off campus. Apparently if you're old enough you can go anywhere and can be trusted enough to return. We went down the street where apparently a lot of kids go and had sandwiches and smoked in this alley where people usually smoke pot at. It was ok I guess, but I'm not into that sort of thing so I smelled like cigarettes. Then I was taken on a walk around the entire town which was nice because it didn't feel like a school girl's lunch at all which must be nice for them. Lunch is also longer and at 1 pm ish so that's also great for them. I was also told that some school girls were talking shit about me when we went to get food, but I thought it was hilarious because ... I don't even know, but it's just funny to know that people love to talk or hate when there is something different in their environment. Friday was long and I worked out again, but a jog this time. It was intimidating at first, running though the streets of Belgium alone and unaware of where tf I was going but my Belgian parents drew me a map and gave me a phone and said I'd be fine. I was and it was good. That's kind of it ... 😗

Au revoir, 
xo   Honey fitness

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Day 10- My first real start

Today is the first day of my new workout lifestyle regimen, but I actually mean it. Somehow, it's easy now and I want to do it and I'm not too busy to think about what needs to be done. I felt bad about not starting Monday as the "fresh start" I always seek, but maybe that's my problem ? I keep trying to do things over and over again the same way, but continuing to fall short of my goals. I wasn't even really gona do anything today, but something kick started inside of me and made me want to do something active even if it was already late. I found this app called butt exercises (something to that effect) and did that. It isn't really Thursday so I am here to say that I was sore from those ten minutes of ass attention I've never had. I feel very proud of myself and I will continue to succeed because I know I'm unhealthy and can be at a better weight and body.

Blessed be thou ass,
    Honey bee

To check my pictures out, go to my new tumblr page: