Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I kind of have been avoiding the baby (our blog). Sorry?  I can't help but to want to enjoy my wonderful time I have on vacation rather than talk about it while I'm having oodles of fun.  Anyways, I've had the best vacayyy so far, I've pretty much seen everyone I wanted to and I went to a party and a dinner the first day I was down.  I sort of feel like I'm invincible, like nothing bad can ever happen because I'm having such a great time.  Yes, PPC has reunited as the OG threesome for the first time in MONTHS!  last time we all hung out?  I think that was in June... so almost 7 months since it was the very beginning of June. It's always great to be together...talking to each other in person and not webcamming or some other sad shit :/  We don't have any pics of us 3 yet, but we will and we'll post it!  I have some other great news (: IT'S MY 6 MONTH MARK FOR MY NATURAL HAIR JOURNEY !!! I'll eventually create some sort of photo montage to celebrate the festivities that is my hair, I just don't know if I'd rather create a 1 year collage or a 6 month collage.  Probably 1 year since I seem to be suffering from a severe case of laziness.  I'll show y'all my 6 month fro doeeeee :*  I'm still feeling pretty chill and semi-lazy so this is gona be the end of this post. lol

Oh! How asshole-ish of me; MERRY CHRISTMAS (;

6 crazy months that just so happened to fly by. lol . I promise these must've been the quickest 6 months of my life!

                           Sista Sweet Tooth

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