Monday, December 31, 2012


I feel like I should be writing something like an homage to 2012, it's the last day of this year.  Something doesn't feel quite festive, yet it's a festive ass day.  I don't want it to be New Year's Eve yet..not at all.  I'm not in the mood for it and I feel like it should've been different.  Anyways, I guess if I had to say something to the end of 2012, it would sound like this: kicked my ass; thanks. Every new years gets trickier, incorporating something from the past and mixing into the present with some new aspect.  It'll probably continue to happen to me for the rest of my existence, so challenge ACCEPTED. (yes I did just watch HIMYM)
                                I love you then I hate you then I love you again,
                                          Bianca Arielle Pierre-Louis

New year, same blog.  Stick wit da trio into 2013 (:

     bye :*

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I kind of have been avoiding the baby (our blog). Sorry?  I can't help but to want to enjoy my wonderful time I have on vacation rather than talk about it while I'm having oodles of fun.  Anyways, I've had the best vacayyy so far, I've pretty much seen everyone I wanted to and I went to a party and a dinner the first day I was down.  I sort of feel like I'm invincible, like nothing bad can ever happen because I'm having such a great time.  Yes, PPC has reunited as the OG threesome for the first time in MONTHS!  last time we all hung out?  I think that was in June... so almost 7 months since it was the very beginning of June. It's always great to be together...talking to each other in person and not webcamming or some other sad shit :/  We don't have any pics of us 3 yet, but we will and we'll post it!  I have some other great news (: IT'S MY 6 MONTH MARK FOR MY NATURAL HAIR JOURNEY !!! I'll eventually create some sort of photo montage to celebrate the festivities that is my hair, I just don't know if I'd rather create a 1 year collage or a 6 month collage.  Probably 1 year since I seem to be suffering from a severe case of laziness.  I'll show y'all my 6 month fro doeeeee :*  I'm still feeling pretty chill and semi-lazy so this is gona be the end of this post. lol

Oh! How asshole-ish of me; MERRY CHRISTMAS (;

6 crazy months that just so happened to fly by. lol . I promise these must've been the quickest 6 months of my life!

                           Sista Sweet Tooth

Monday, December 10, 2012


Yesterday night was one of  the best nights I had in a long ass time.
It started off horribly and ended amazingly.
Tonight was supposed to be an amazing night but by the grace of God it ended with me ready to just say fuck it and never go home.
It's like God overdid it yesterday and restored balance to the world by taking any remnants of joy out of this day.
I never wanted to go home in the first place but now that it's time to go I'm possibly stuck in Daytona.
I hope the rest of break isnt as bad as my could be last night in Daytona.

hashtag fuck it

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Not a Fan

I won't and haven't seen the light of day for a while and it can be narrowed down to 1 word; FINALS.  I'll see the world and my friends later after the storm.  Sorry in advance

                      Give me strength,
                                    Honey Bee

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

truth is...

From my previous posts you can already see that I'm either the most dramactic one of this group or the easiest one. I dont care which one you choose because in my mind everything in this world including myself is fucked up.

As the year comes to an end I begin to think about everything thats happened in the past months; the good, the bad, the sexual. Everything that could've lead me to this moment; sitting here in a plush aqua chair, listening to Janelle Monae while the clock ticks down until its time for my first final exam.

I truly believe myself to be a good person. I enjoy caring for people. Making others happy is what makes me happy. But as I get older the smile that used to spread across my face at the sight of a friend gets smaller and smaller and hurts more and more. I find beauty in the simple things in life, like breezes and full moons but I cant seem to find happiness and other things like spending what most would consider to be a great night with a friend. Maybe I've become to simplistic, maybe I am so used to relying on myself for happiness that just the idea of someone else making me happy upsets me. I dont want to be that hipster kid who hates frozen yogurt just because its too main stream.

I WANT TO BE HAPPY with others.

I love smoking and drinking as much as the next wiz kid but sometimes I think that it messed me up just a little. Maybe the high that I get from not being sober has destroyed the part of me that gets high from a good movie or that enjoys being around others and laughing until I get a six pack.

I dont even think I know what I'm saying anymore. Maybe if I fuck around some more with the rest of me I'll find my answer somewhere in a dark room with memories that were meant to be forgotten.

hash tag wont see my bestfriend for one to four years. if then...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Make-My-Wishes-Come-True Foundation

The broker and more responsibility I receive, the more I want.  It's like a disease...gnawing at my heartstrings...crying for me to  buy everything that I want.  I want Celine and I want Dr Martens and Minnetonka's and GOLD and leather and nail polish and lipstick :(  I know these are sooo 1st world of me to cry about wanting these things, but I want them and places to adventure around with them.  Santa, beautiful Goddess of Gifts, Buddha, if you've decided to listen to my vain desires, please grant me them and I will do good in them in the name of love and happiness and peace (:  I feel like I don't demand much ... I also feel like Kristen Stewart is a horrendous actress.  With that said, I will introduce you to my sweet, sweet fantasy:

Sometimes, or a lot of the time, I feel like I could love these things so much more than a man and at this point in my life, a man can never replace the learning and liberating experiences I will experience in these years of my life.  What kind of travels will I have if they aren't paired with fabulously dreamy pieces such as these?  Yeaaaa, why don't you rethink EVERYTHING while you're at it honeyboo :*

        I still got it for ya,
                     Honey Bee