Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The College Struggle Is REAL!

So it wasn't until these past couple of days that I noticed how hard it is not having money in college. Classes just started on Monday and I've been on campus since Friday. For the past 6 days just to eat has been a struggle. My mom bought me frozen meals before she left back to Miami, but those just weren't enough! And the dorm that I'm in requires us to have a meal plan, which the lowest one only costs $1900 PLUS a $350 down payment. What the ef, how is anyone supposed to afford that when they 1. barely get financial aid and 2. don't have that kind of money sitting in their bank accounts? You aren't. It wasn't until today that I went over to the dining office and spoke to these people about not being able to afford this. That's when the cute little gay guy told me he liked my earrings and said "Don't worry honey, we'll get this all worked out for you." I've never been happier to eat in the dining hall then I was tonight.

SN: I need to find a job because this whole college thing is no joke

Love always,


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