Thursday, June 28, 2012


S.E.B. .... three words that sum up a portion of my life at its current stage.  There's one thing that's pretty mutual among everyone around my age ... a crappy budget due to unwanted financial obligations. This brings me to what S.E.B. is an acronym for, it's real, it's unfortunate, but it's the truth.  S.E.B. stands for Sad Educational Budget, no ladies and gentlemen it's the nightmare that grew so much to the point that it haunts me -.-  I am now forced to live on a S.E.B. due to my recent scholastic endeavors at Valencia College and my growing affinity for fashion and all things surrounding.  Something's gotta give!  I don't enjoy budgets, but they do keep people grounded, responsible (fiscally and beyond), and not as stressed.  Life constantly throws new challenges at your feet for you to trip over and be caught off guard, but I think it's our duty to remember that and stay prepared with things like "EMERGENCY MONEY" and a "PHONE CHARGER" or a "BACKUP OUTFIT" because you may get asked out on a date at the last minute or even a "HYGIENE KIT" to satisfy all of your hygienic needs when you aren't home (:  SO what have we learned in 5 minutes?  1. There's no such thing as "easy" money because if it was easy, everyone would do it and then it'd become hard and then .... yeea, no more easy.  2. Students have crappy budgets because someone decided that a budget should go from great (or a satisfying cash flow, pretty decent, ok, moderate, surviving, barely there) to crappy because adulthood should start with some sort of financial challenge and 3. Everyone should have to go through some sort of S.E.B. whether it's your education or whoever you decide to fund in your future.  Have a lovely day/night !

الحب الكبير,
        honey bee

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

the fashion world comes up with some weird stuff these days

So I know the popular trend now is color blocking; it’s cute and I all if you’re wearing a shirt with a bunch of colors that go together because that’s cute. But if you’re wearing a yellow shirt, pink shorts, and blue shoes, then something is obviously wrong with you. THAT ISN’T CUTE! If you happen to like doing this, I’m sorry that’s your choice. You will never catch me wearing something like a purple shirt, green pants, and pink shoes. That’ll never happen, ever. I just became friends with a girl on Facebook who in her profile pic happened to be wearing the yellow top, pink shorts, and blue shoes. And she continued to dress like this in several other photos; using different colors of course. Where did this whole trend start? I don’t care because it needs to end, now.
          <3 always,
This is a yes

This is a hell to the no

New Beginnings

Well it’s about that time in a high school graduates life when they finally leave home for college. I leave to Florida State University in two days; I’m starting that new chapter in my life. I don’t know how I’m feeling; I’m super excited but super nervous also. I’ve never been away from my mom from more than a week. I don’t know how long I’ll last before I have a mini break down haha. I’m just kidding, that isn’t going to happen, and I’m going to be fine. Especially since this is what I read in my fortune cookie yesterday “There are many unexpected & thrilling surprises in store for you!” That sounds great to me! Reading that actually made me realize how much fun I’m going to have in college. I’m sure it’s not going to be exactly like how it is in the movies, but it’ll be pretty darn close! I’m just grateful that I have the chance to go away to school, my mom didn’t so she’s also super excited about me leaving. Plus I have to learn to be “responsible for myself” pssh like I don’t already know how. One great thing is my roommate is a friend, so I know she isn’t some psycho girl. That’s a good thing, didn’t wanna have to get ratchet (:
<3 always,

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Is it even worth it?

College is supposed to be the time of your life. And I'm sure mine will be just as amazing as the movies portrayed it. But right now... At this very minute, college can suck it.  I haven't even started yet and already I'm in debt. Every single time I get money I'm like "great! Closer to paying rent" or "great! Closer to buying a book". It's so annoying!!!! I can't stand it.  All I can think of right now is finding a job and getting the hell out of this school.  I'm supposed to move tomorrow but I haven't rented a car or decided which one of the many Craigslist poster that I am going to give the chance to strangle me in my sleep.  My new school wants a final transcript from my high school but my high school won't pick up the phone. I'm all about going with the flow but these ripples are turning into full blown off the coast of Australia waves--- I'm drowning. DROWNING!!! Hash tag poor college kid problems Hash tag that was stupid  Hash tag kill me (actually just pay me) 

Saturday, June 2, 2012


To come back in a new form is quite impressive, some may even say human nature.  Don't we all end up coming back as better versions of ourselves at some point in our lives ?  I think the word to sum up this instinctive mystery is REINVENTION. Sometimes it comes as a surprise and other times we hope that it's a soon-approaching phenomena.  Reinvention can take place in many aspects of a person's life, whether it be in hair, friendships, lifestyle, and even personality.  I think the biggest ones in my life at this point are friendships, and style.  As far as friendships go, so many people still don't know who they are, what they want out of life, and where they plan on directing their "life boat", so it's hard to expect to stay friends with someone "forever", but almost everyone my age does it anyways.  It's not the first thing you think about when you meet someone anyways..."will we be able to maintain this friendship forever?" or "how certain are they about their goals?" or even "will they stab me in the back someday?".  Even if a friendship doesn't work out, you're able to still reap the benefits of reinvention because you've managed to learn some lesson about people that you didn't really know before.  My favorite form of reinvention has to be STYLE ^.^ I've noticed that I have changed style in my clothing and hair so often and never even noticed !  I'm actually quite glad that my taste in clothing has refined because I look back at some of my unfashionable choices and wonder where the confidence in wearing them came from.  My hair on the other hand hasn't gone wrong 'til this day, but I must say  that my hair has been the most fun for me, not being scared of change, cutting, or even fake hair !  To sum this all up, reinvention is as inevitable as change and everything is accompanied with a price; so the real question is, how much can you afford ?

These are most of the creative ways I've reinvented my hair ...
 (the only style that required fake hair is the one above, second column; third one down)  I believe in natural resources although it's fun fall in love with a dream for just a little bit .. or just 3 weeks(;
 thanks ! (:

الحب الكبير,
        honey bee