Sunday, February 24, 2013

One Direction Sundaysss

It's Sunday! Sunday! SUNDAYYY!!!
Which means it's time for me to catch up on all the work I had been putting off on all week. Oh, online classes, how I do love thee. During the week I'm sleeping, chilling or at work and on Saturday I chill even more and on Sunday I do what any elite procrastinator would do... Turn in mediocre work for elite grades (duh).
Thanks to Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam and Niall (<3) I can have some sort of fun while doing all these mundane but necessary tasks. Currently I'm on Spotify listening to a playlist that contains their debut album Up All Night, their sophmore album Take Me Home and features their single for Red Nose, One Way Or Another (Teenage Kicks).
Whats on todays to do list you ask??
  1. Nutrition
    1. Read Ch. 6 & 8
    2. Do Discussions
  2. FIU- Honors Application
    1. Outline Essay
    2. Complete Education Resume
  3. Religions
    1. Discussion Boards
    2. Spiritual Discipline Paper
  4. Wash Hair
  5. Clean Room
I highly doubt I'll clean my room but it was worth adding to the list.
Well this was a cute break. Time to get back to work seeing as how the day is almost over and I havent completed a single one of those tasks.

hash tag 1D forever
hash tag Niall is definitly mine
hash tag Miami Bound

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