Tuesday, February 12, 2013


wow. talk about a night of distractions ..... DEANNA BAILEY.  Yea, well I just need the one to five of the people who may or may not read this to watch this.  It's quite a classic and perfectly threw me off of my work for good.  I found my way back to math, but it's been hours...hours I won't get back 'til Saturday the 16th.  Also, it's been a crazy night for distractions seeing as though I obsessed over Justin Beiber for 70%of the time and watched everything Drake on Youtube for about 85% of the time... DO THE MATH.  On top of that, I listened to J. Baby's acoustic album like 3 times and then felt like I was in the mood for Destiny's Child (why tf tho?) and now I'm in a #fuckyofeelings Beyonce mood listening to everything dating back to 2003 when she made the album "Dangerously in Love".  I used to listen to that as a bedtime lullaby when I was younger. lol.  My Rev Run quote for tonight is "Distract yourself my friends, where's your inner Baddie Bey hiding at?!"

    Mucho Gusto,
            Honey Luvvva


^ THE LINK ! get back to your classics.

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