Saturday, February 15, 2014


Based on the current facts, this is clearly my blog now since my sisters are too (fill in the fucking blank bitches) to document their thoughts/life. So what's it like to talk to myself? It feels accomplished. Even though my posts just chill in cyberspace, I feel like my thoughts are being deposited somewhere other than my mind to be recycled for another day. That's the absolute worst, rehashing unpleasant thoughts.

If you must know, I don't really sleep anymore so there goes my sleep and everything else that sleep does for healthy human beings.

I successfully completed a 10 day master cleanse where I drank a spicy lemonade and only that for 10 days. I'm so proud of myself because that was seriously hard. It was sometimes the hunger, but I also missed having solid food in my mouth, so that was a bitch and half. I lost weight so that's cool and I'm pleased and I'm going to not only keep it off, but also shed a few more pounds and tone on up.

Why? WELL! It's official, I'm going to Bali, Indonesia for like 2 weeks for spring break!!! I'm so hype, it's insane. I'm so excited to be going, exploring, beaching it up, playing with elephants and eating yummy Balinese food. Of course I'll be taking lots of pictures and they'll be on my other blog, FYI. My goal is to look a lot more presentable in a bikini because hullo, I'd like to. 

That's enough news for 5 minutes.

Jou san (good morning in Cantonese),
Honey bee

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