Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday night Blues

The concept of combining two different goals during the same timeframe is difficult, especially if one has to be sacrificed for the other. 

You can do the impossible, several times even, but fear is waiting for you around every corner.  Teachers and mentors and parents cheer you on as a child, they tell you how brilliant you are and that you're going to do something great and not to let anyone or thing obstruct your path to the point of being deterred.  Why didn't any of these wise and experienced adults warn us that our minds are probably going to be our greatest obstacle because our opinions are bold and trustworthy enough to sway us off of a ledge or behind someone else's shadow on their path.  

Is it possible that I instilled so much fear in myself that I stopped what I was doing and played it safe?  Was I the one who wreaked of ambition, so much that I made others question their own and admire mine?  How could I have possibly gotten so shaken up that I began to own defeat and let it be the resident feeling in my heart?  

How tough is life? I won't even pretend to know because this is just the beginning and I'll have plenty of other opportunities to fear the unknown, but it's up to me to tell myself and you two, honestly, that as painful as disappointment is, it will never hurt as much as an unfulfilled half-ass dream. 

Dream to the next galaxy and back, live as many of them as you can, make your life worthwhile because you are loved beyond measure and it shows; so radiate it more often.

Honey Bee

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