Monday, June 16, 2014

21 Day Vegan Challenge

It's day 2 of me being on this 21 day vegan journey. I'm truly happy with it, I just noticed that I'm sometimes hungry. The strange thing is that I've noticed this for weeks now. I'll eat a meal and then a few hours pass and my stomach is furious with starvation. WHYYYYYYY. It almost feels normal to me, but I'm not sure what to do. To feed or not to feed? I'm not into starving myself for a goal, but I feel like my body is lying to me. How can I eat so well and feel starved so soon?

Anyways, I'm finding the key to eating well is preparation and I've been doing good so far. It's easy and I love it when my food tastes good. I can really do this! My biggest struggle will probably be snacking, it's so easy to open up a pack of cookies or chips and go to town, but in can cock block those habits with fruits, or so I've noticed. I'm excited. I've never been so excited to please myself from the inside to the outside. 

Call me crazy, but my skin is also looking nice too. I switched my water bottle to a glass bottle and I feel like I deserve a Nobel prize guys. I drink SOOOOO much water now and I was basically the water queen so imagine my drinking now. YEA, I KNOW. Not only are glass bottles safer to drink out of bc of the chemicals found in plastic bottles, but they're also awesome for the environment so yay me. I'm feeling all life changey these days, it's cool. I'm also tired, but jk because I'm ALWAYS tired.

I challenge you guys to find something in your life that you can change to live healthier or hats good for the environment like maybe eating red meat less or buying certain soft skin fruits organic or drinking out of a glass or aluminum bottle instead of a plastic water bottle during your day. Let's change the world peeps.

Mkay, tired, bye.

Vegan Bee, no Honey.

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