Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 11- New Châtelet

I saw a different side of town today, rather the town my school is in. During lunch I ate with the same super friendly girls after their midday smoke, but it was off campus. Apparently if you're old enough you can go anywhere and can be trusted enough to return. We went down the street where apparently a lot of kids go and had sandwiches and smoked in this alley where people usually smoke pot at. It was ok I guess, but I'm not into that sort of thing so I smelled like cigarettes. Then I was taken on a walk around the entire town which was nice because it didn't feel like a school girl's lunch at all which must be nice for them. Lunch is also longer and at 1 pm ish so that's also great for them. I was also told that some school girls were talking shit about me when we went to get food, but I thought it was hilarious because ... I don't even know, but it's just funny to know that people love to talk or hate when there is something different in their environment. Friday was long and I worked out again, but a jog this time. It was intimidating at first, running though the streets of Belgium alone and unaware of where tf I was going but my Belgian parents drew me a map and gave me a phone and said I'd be fine. I was and it was good. That's kind of it ... 😗

Au revoir, 
xo   Honey fitness

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