Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 6- Chillorama

Today was an easy-going day just relaxing or at least that's how it goes in this household. Although I was awaken at 7 am, I ate well. This family's Sunday tradition is that Sunday mornings they eat breakfast together...their breakfast is your typical euro-French breakfast including chocolate croissants, sweet croissants, regular croissants, and these little round breads that translate to a handgun. OH! and hotchocolate (: after we all finished eating I went to my room and fell fast asleep. I pretty much did nothing today except for spend a few hours washing my lovely afrolicious hair and twisting it up in hopes of a lovely twist out Monday morning. Washing natural hair, in my opinion, seems like a love/hate thing because it takes so long me uses so much of my energy, BUT I love it when my hair is nice and clean and looks healthy. Omg my hair was looking devilishly dingy and I was too tired to do much last week. I'm also gona do my nails because they look like caca already, but that's Bianca being Bianca. That's kind of it ... I'll post my twist out results and we also ate a yummy dinner so I can post those pics too. Kbyeeeeee :*

Mrs. Lovalova

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