Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day numba sebennn

After being here one full week, sleeping is easier but then it's not. Lol . I'm only writing about today because it was the warmest it's ever been since I arrived. I ate lunch outside and was reading until curious students invited me to their inner circle on the grass and we spoke a bit. Belgians love them some English ! Probably the way my vaginal cavity melts when I hear Drake's voice is how hysterical they are over me speaking English, it's really a sight to see. We also compared countries and of course they asked me great questions. First facts about Belgium I didn't know... The legal drinking age is 16 for beer (if I remembered correctly) and to smoke I think is also 16. Weed is also pretty legal, but only in a small amount. You can have it and smoke it and enjoy yourself without feeling like you're hiding from the Gestapo, but you can't sell it. Crazy right !? At least for a young woman like myself from Miami where everyone at every party smokes and drinks and loves the thrill of the underage illegalness of being 19. They asked me if I liked Obama, if I own a gun, if I'm scared to go to school because so many people are killing people in schools, and about drinking and smoking. The age of 21 is pretty much huge in America, to think if we were like Belgium in that respect... So anyways, the girl who invited me insisted on us sitting together for every lunch and class and we sat together in the following class. She wrote me notes in English and spoke in English and was actually really well spoken, but she also told me that she was happy to have spoken to me because people were talking badly about me and she didn't like it so she wanted to go to know me better than the others. It's funny how high school never changes .... It's funny how i still hate it for one of the same reasons, children are annoying and foolish enough for me to kick in the face every single day. 

After all of that I'm gonna stop my post but à demain sweethearts !

      Lead Pussy Cat (Nicole scherzinger

Day 6- Chillorama

Today was an easy-going day just relaxing or at least that's how it goes in this household. Although I was awaken at 7 am, I ate well. This family's Sunday tradition is that Sunday mornings they eat breakfast together...their breakfast is your typical euro-French breakfast including chocolate croissants, sweet croissants, regular croissants, and these little round breads that translate to a handgun. OH! and hotchocolate (: after we all finished eating I went to my room and fell fast asleep. I pretty much did nothing today except for spend a few hours washing my lovely afrolicious hair and twisting it up in hopes of a lovely twist out Monday morning. Washing natural hair, in my opinion, seems like a love/hate thing because it takes so long me uses so much of my energy, BUT I love it when my hair is nice and clean and looks healthy. Omg my hair was looking devilishly dingy and I was too tired to do much last week. I'm also gona do my nails because they look like caca already, but that's Bianca being Bianca. That's kind of it ... I'll post my twist out results and we also ate a yummy dinner so I can post those pics too. Kbyeeeeee :*

Mrs. Lovalova

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 5- Fun.

Today was pretty great. It's my first Saturday here and I can't say that I wasn't waiting for the weekend. I woke up later than I usually do which was nice, I had a yummy Belgian lunch, I went to a mall, but the best part about it was getting there since we drove through the countryside. I took some nice pictures while driving, we went to a modern farm and picked up some Belgian strawberries (yummers), and then had a good dinner and ate strawberries for dessert. I'm contemplating working out after this ... I really should too. I spent too much on cute work out gear to let them sit in the bottom of my suitcase :( otherwise, it's still cold over here in Belgium, but I still like being here. Maybe I'm just getting over it because it's actually not a big deal even though I'd wake up and wanna flip13 tables when it was 60 degrees in Florida.  I remember telling everyone how Orlando was great, but I could no longer stay because I just didn't feel like I was supposed to be there anymore...I was absolutely right. The feeling of being here and starting this new traveler's life is what I kept hearing in my head, but couldn't explain. When you know, you know and people are going to tell you otherwise or not even understand, but it's not for the world to understand you.... I think that callings are for you to pursue and fall in passionate love with and let others see, but I don't think it's ever for an outside understanding. Some just can't see the way your eyes do and when that's accepted, you'll feel so much more support through acceptance. Me? I'm not worried about any of it just because I know how strongly I feel about this all. My mother supports me, as do my 2 sisters so I feel pretty much invincible.         Much of Belgium is powering down now and I will try to too.

Love thy sistahs and thy muva, 
     xo  Honeylucuois

Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 3- Porque Papiiiiiii

What I pretty much want to be known is that I'm still NOT sleeping and it's killing me. Not only am I not adjusting to the time but I'm also annoyed. I think entirely too much when I'm spending time trying to mystically be tired. I keep going back to the same miserable thoughts that have followed me overseas. They make me way too sad and pensive for 2am when I have school in the morning. On a side note, I didn't go to school today. We were on our way out and long story short, I chose to stay home with Aurelia ( one of the children of the house that I'm at now) because she's sick. It was a relaxing day.  I helped her with homework, we watched tv, I got some educational games for her on my iPad and we played together, and I saw a hail storm for the first time. It's so interesting watching ice fall from the sky because I'm only used to it falling out of a freezer and into a cup. It was also really cold today, about 44 degrees F so that's also different for me to experience during the summer. Anyways, I'm gona get back to trying to fall asleep by playing a bit of angry birds and maybe a little of my new book I just started (the Paris wife). For all 1 to 2 of you out there, I just thought that you should know that I miss Dante a lot and I am learning to be ok with a different life without him.

Less is less,  
      Frozen toes

How-to Guide

I've created an extremely short how-to guide and I believe that if I am able to ever follow it, I will definitely not think about so many hurtful things so often. Simply put, cry. C-R-Y, cry cry cry. That's it. But then it's obviously not because I don't now how to really cry and when I do, I literally stop myself without knowing that I'm gona do that and then I am where I am tonight...or early this morning, however 2:53 am is best described. I want to make things better, but I don't know how to fix the broken toys that I clearly haven't learned to play with properly. I have to find refuge in sleep for sensible reasons like 7 am, but if you want to know how my story ends...no, I barely cried and yes (: I just finished reading perks of being a wallflower and then watched the movie right after and loved it tremendously. 

Happy 2:58 am Belgium, 
         xo bb queen

Day 1- Took EM out to Belgium, Welcomeeeee

Wow, I hate high school. I had the opportunity to go back to not only high school, but also middle school with Belgian kids. It's different, but it seems like kids are kids. There are obvious differences, but I sat in this one middle school class and felt like I was going back as I observed the kids and could match them up with someone i knew once a pon a time. In this one class the kids had the opportunity to ask me questions and they killed me with what they thought America was like, let alone Miami, Florida. I don't remember all of the questions, but they wanted to know if I had a mansion, if I was rich, do I see stars all of the time, obesity questions...really hilarious stuff. I would've never guessed they thought that way, but apparently America is amazing to Belgian kids. I only went to like 2 classes because I have a fixed schedule so I don't really have 7 dragging hours of school so it's cool. I come, go to a few classes and leave when my school day is done. That was today and if something different happens tomorrow then ... A demain mes amis!

You know ittttttt, 
    xo   Frozen Honey

P.s. did I mention that I'm freezing my tatas off !? The idea of cold is cute, but it's rainy and gray all day and cold... #thecoldtruth

Day 0- Traveling Woes

Traveling is my hobby, I adore it. The actual act of the travel SUCKS. Wana know how much I hate it ??? Well I'll make a list !
1. Airport lines, HATE EM 
2. Rude airport patrons who think they run shit
3. Baggage weight limits, kiss mi rass
4. Sitting in economy seats, fuck dat! I've been in 1st class before so I have a reason to hate sitting with annoying babies and annoying girls who want to trade seats
5. Airport food, I should've just taken out a second mortgage to afford it
6. The heat up in Chicago's O'Hare airport , whiiiiiiiii !?
7. Not being able to fall asleep during the flight, lawd take me nowwww
8. The entire plane needing to use the bathroom at the same time and I'm in the last seat of the airplane so I get to joyously meet them ALL
9. Layovers, they can go share a jail cell with chief keef for all I care
And to end this perfect list, I say I hate .....
10. LINES; oh hell yes it made my list twice. While you're waiting, you're never empty handed , you're never in a room full of polite strangers, and you just might meet an employee who seems to hate life itself.
Otherwise, traveling is really tons of fun and I think everyone should explore new lands and try everything...unless you get sick. Lol. Different story (;

Good evening
xo B. Swizzle

Monday, May 6, 2013

I whip my hair back and forth!

Okay guys, so I decided to straighten my hair since I havent in a while. Ive really been trying not to and Ive been quite successful in that. I took a before photo with it just blow dried and an after one of it straightened.

WARNING! I might scare y'all with the first pic of my hair so I warned you lol and the quality of them isnt that good because my webcam kinda sucks but idc idc.


Sunday, May 5, 2013

11 months!!

I got some exciting news for y'all. I've been transitioning for 11 months today! Just thought I'd share how my journey to natural hair is going.

I would post a photo but see what had happened was I decided to deep condition my hair and unless you want to see me in a plastic cap then yeah its not gonna happen. I plan on straightening it tmrw so I'll most likely post a picture then.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Results Are In!

I finally got my grades back for my two classes this session and I am glad to say that I got an A in both!! Im really happy that I earned the grades that I did because I  worked very hard.

I really think leaving Florida State was the best decision that I could have made. I really proved to myself that once I set my mind to achieving something, I could really do it. And I know that all of the support that I have from my family and these two ladies also pushed me to be the best that I can be.

This session Im taking math, lets all take a moment to pray that the lord is on my side in this class because Im really going to need it!

- Dee