Sometimes (almost everyday) I feel like my life is one giant comedy. What do I mean by that ? Well, just about everyday I find about a thousand reasons to laugh my diaphragm out. I realized that I wouldn't have as much to laugh at if it weren't for me riding the city bus, so somehow I'm thankful for being on comedy tour everyday and somehow I'm still not. You'd be surprised what there is to laugh at during the hour of 6 am, but the mission has been accomplished several times. Do I remember what the hell is so funny ? NOPE. What ends up being the funniest part of my day is not only what I witness, but also how I respond to the sights I see. The way I've described it is me blacking out, going into my avatar mode, and spewing out several texts at a time to my hood rat friends. If you don't know what I'm referring to, then this is how I can best depict it through piccccctchaaas:

resulting in:
Now I know what you're thinking, but I do think I look like Kat Williams when I make my faces during my avatar state, but I don't officially know since it's like blacking out... Anyways, I love how hilarious my life is, thus making life pretty great at the moment !
الحب الكبير ,
honey bee
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